Today's Topics

  • Wrap-up on evolution
  • The development of the nervous system

Prenatal brain development


  • 3-4 days before or up to 1-2 days after…
    • Ovulation


  • Within ~ 24 hrs of ovulation


  • ~ 6 days after fertilization

Early embryogenesis

Formation of neural tube (neurulation)

  • Embryonic layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
  • ~18-26 days
  • Failures of neural tube closure
    • Spina bifida
    • Anencephaly
  • Neural tube becomes
    • Ventricles
    • Central canal of spinal cord

Neurogenesis and gliogenesis

  • Neuroepithelium cell layer lines neural tube
  • Neural stem cells
    • Undergo symmetric & asymmetric cell division
    • Generate glia, neurons, and basal progenitor cells

Zika and microcephaly

Radial glia

Cell migration

Radial unit hypothesis



Glial migration

Axon growth cone

Axons follow

  • Chemoattractants
    • e.g., Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
  • Chemorepellents
  • Receptors in growth cone detect chemical gradients


  • Neuron vs. glial cell
  • Cell type
  • NTs released
  • Where to connect

Differential gene expression in PFC vs. other

Infancy & Early Childhood


Proliferation, pruning

  • Early proliferation
  • Later pruning
  • Rates, peaks differ by area


  • Programmed cell death
  • 20-80%, varies by area
  • Spinal cord >> cortex
  • Quantity of nerve growth factors (NGF) influences

Apoptosis and cortical expansion

Synaptic rearrangement

Synaptic rearrangement

  • Progressive phase: growth rate >> loss rate
  • Regressive phase: growth rate << loss rate



  • Neonatal brain largely unmyelinated
  • Gradual myelination, peaks in mid-20s
  • Non-uniform pattern
    • Spinal cord before brain
    • Sensory before motor

Gyral development

Structural development

Postnatal patterns of synaptogenesis

Myelination across human development

Networks in the brain

Functional connectivity

The "development" of developmental connectomics

Myelination changes "network" properties

Synaptic rearrangment, myelination change cortical thickness

(Gogtay et al., 2004)

Changes in brain energetics

Gene expression across development

Summary of developmental milestones


  • Neuro- and gliogenesis
  • Migration
  • Synaptogenesis begins
  • Differentiation
  • Apoptosis
  • Myelination begins
  • Infant gene expression ≠ Adult


  • Synaptogenesis
  • Cortical expansion, activity-dependent change
  • Then cubic, quadratic, or linear declines in cortical thickness
  • Myelination
  • Connectivity changes (esp within networks)
  • Prolonged period of postnatal/pre-reproductive development (Konner, 2011)

How brain development clarifies anatomical structure

3-4 weeks

4 weeks

~4 weeks

6 weeks

~6 weeks


Organization of the brain

Major division Ventricular Landmark Embryonic Division Structure
Forebrain Lateral Telencephalon Cerebral cortex
Basal ganglia
Hippocampus, amygdala
Third Diencephalon Thalamus
Midbrain Cerebral Aqueduct Mesencephalon Tectum, tegmentum

Organization of the brain

Major division Ventricular Landmark Embryonic Division Structure
Hindbrain 4th Metencephalon Cerebellum, pons
Mylencephalon Medulla oblongata

From structural development to functional development

Next time…

  • Perception


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