“Do we run from a bear because we are afraid or are we afraid because we run? William James posed this question more than a century ago, yet the notion that afferent visceral signals are essential for the unique experiences of distinct emotions remains a key unresolved question at the heart of emotional neuroscience.”
(Harrison, Gray, Gianaros, & Critchley, 2010)
(Plutchik, 1980)
By Vivonoetics - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
By Stevan Nikolin, Tjeerd W. Boonstra, Colleen K. Loo, Donel Martin - Nikolin S, Boonstra TW, Loo CK, Martin D (2017) Combined effect of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation and a working memory task on heart rate variability. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0181833. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181833, CC BY 2.5, Link
“From the six ANS parameters studied, different autonomic patterns were identified, each characterizing one of the six basic emotion used as inducing signals. No index alone, nor group of parameters (EDR and thermovascular for instance) were capable of distinguishing each emotion from another. However, electrodermal, thermo-vascular and respiratory responses taken as a whole, redundantly separated each emotion thus demonstrating the specificity of autonomic patterns.”
Cole, P.M., Gilmore, R.O., Scherf, K.S. & Perez-Edgar, K. (2016). The Proximal Emotional Environment Project (PEEP). Databrary. Retrieved November 8, 2019 from http://doi.org/10.17910/B7.248
“James believed that emotions, thoughts, and memories are categories derived from commonsense with instances that do not require special brain centers. With respect to emotion, he wrote, “sensational, associational, and motor elements are all that [the brain] need contain” to produce the variety of mental states that correspond to our commonsense categories for emotion (cf. James 1890/1998, p. 473)…”
“James’ view foreshadowed modern psychological constructionist models of the mind and the findings of our meta-analytic review, which are largely in agreement with this approach. Our findings are consistent with the idea that emotion categories are not natural kinds that are respected by the brain.”
“Here, I will argue that complex cognitive–emotional behaviours have their basis in dynamic coalitions of networks of brain areas, none of which should be conceptualized as specifically affective or cognitive. Central to cognitive–emotional interactions are brain areas with a high "degree of connectivity, called hubs, which are critical for regulating the flow and integration of information between regions.”
“We propose that emotions are represented in the somatosensory system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps. Perception of these emotion-triggered bodily changes may play a key role in generating consciously felt emotions.”
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Swanson, L. W. (2012). Brain architecture: Understanding the basic plan. Oxford University Press.