Layer | Connection type | Comments |
I | Few cell bodies | |
II | Efferent | Ipsilateral association via large pyramidal cells |
III | Efferent | Contralateral commissural |
IV | Afferent | from thalamus; small stellate & granual cells; V1 has sublayers |
V | Efferent | Superficial -> Basal ganglia; Deep -> brainstem, spinal cord; pyramidal cells |
VI | Efferent | Thalamus |
(Bressler & Menon, 2010)“Although it has long been assumed that cognitive functions are attributable to the isolated operations of single brain areas, we demonstrate that the weight of evidence has now shifted in support of the view that cognition results from the dynamic interactions of distributed brain areas operating in large-scale networks….”
Fig. 1: Spatiotemporal PCA across multiple cognitive tasks. a, Spatial maps for the first five principal components (colored according to spatial weight; thresholded for visualization). b, Line plot representing the percentage of variance explained by first ten principal components; bar plot depicting the percentage (single value per component) of false nearest neighbors for first ten principal components. FNN, false nearest neighbors. c, Correspondence between convolved, concatenated task block regressor (gray) and the time course of the first five tPCs (black); color intensities of the blocks reflect the Pearson’s correlation between tPC1−5 and each of the unique task blocks (n = 100 subjects). d, Mean spatial loading of first five PCs, organized according to a set of predefined networks. DAN, dorsal attention; Vis, visual; FPN, frontoparietal; SN, salience; CO, cingulo-opercular; VAN, ventral attention; SM, somatomotor; RSp, retrosplenial; FTP, frontotemporal; DN, default mode; Aud, auditory.
Fig. 2: The low-dimensional signature across cognitive tasks. a, The procedure used to partition tPC1 into unique phases: low (blue), rise (red), high (orange), and fall (light blue). b, Scatter plot comparing the loading of tPC1 (colored according to the partition defined in a) with a temporal stability measure (defined by the similarity of the BOLD response at adjacent time points); we observed a significant positive Pearson’s correlation (r = 0.58) between |tPC1| and temporal stability (n=1,939 time points), providing heuristic evidence for attractor basins at the extremes of tPC1 engagement. c, A three-dimensional scatter plot comparing the first three tPCs; each node represents one time point (colored according to the phase of tPC1), with time implicitly unfolding across the embedding space (contiguous points connected by black line). d, The low-dimensional manifold traversed by the global brain state across the first three dimensions, with arrows depicting the direction of flow along the manifold.
Fig. 3: The cognitive relevance of the low-dimensional embedding space. a, Four NeuroSynth ‘topic families’: motor (red), cognition (yellow), language (green), and memory (blue). b, Bar plot demonstrating loading (single-value) of topic families onto top five principal components. c, Scatter plot of time points of the first two tPCs, colored according to their loading onto each of the four NeuroSynth topic families. d, Mean value (resampled 100 times) of tPC1−2 for each topic family compared with a block resampled null distribution (5,000 iterations). e, Temporal conjunction between the topic families and the four phases of the tPC1 manifold; bar plots designate a single value (%) and asterisks denote P < 0.01 (block resampled null model; n=5,000 iterations).
The results of our multimodal analysis revealed that the neural activity required for the execution of cognitive tasks corresponds to flow within a low-dimensional state space43. Across multiple, diverse cognitive tasks, the dynamics of large-scale brain activity engage an integrative core of brain regions that maximizes information-processing complexity and facilitates cognitive performance; only to then dissipate as the tasks conclude, flowing towards a more segregated architecture…Across multiple cognitive tasks with markedly different behavioral requirements, the dynamics of human brain activity were found to occupy a low-dimensional state space embedding that may form the functional backbone of cognition in the human brain.
(Powers, 1973)
(Powers, 1973)
Fig. 1. Illustration showing the durations of the four stages associated with problem solving. In the four example problems, the arrows denote new mathematical operators that participants had learned. In each stage, the axial slice (x = 0 mm, y = 0 mm, z = 28 mm in Talairach space) highlights brain regions in which activation in that stage was significantly greater than the average activation during problem solving. Brain images are displayed with the left hemisphere on the right-hand side.
Fig. 4. The four brain signatures placed in a 3-D space where the activity of a stage is a sum of the activity of the signature in the solving stage plus a sum of the three vectors weighted by their coordinates in the space. The heat maps illustrate the proportion of change in activation relative to baseline. The coordinates of the stages are as follows (in Talairach space)—encoding: x = 1.61, y = 0.37, z = 0.58; planning: x = 0.58, y = 0.28, z = 1.38; solving: x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; and responding: x = 0.37, y = 1.78, z = 0.28. Brain images are displayed with the left hemisphere on the right-hand side.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the brain showing regions with reliably reported activations for sentences compared with nonsentential stimuli (a) and sentences with high syntactic or semantic processing demands compared with simpler sentences (b,c). The left posterior inferior frontal gyrus is further subdivided into Brodmann areas (BA) 44 (above black line), BA 45 (below black line, above AC–PC line) and BA 47 (below AC–PC line). Green regions indicate a reliable number of reports. Pink regions indicate no reports in 53 studies. For details, see Supplemental Tables 2, 3, and 4. Abbreviations: AC, anterior commissure; PC, posterior commissure).
“A meta-analysis of numerous neuroimaging studies reveals a clear dorsal/ventral gradient in both left inferior frontal cortex and left posterior temporal cortex, with dorsal foci for syntactic processing and ventral foci for semantic processing. In addition…further networks need to be recruited to realize language-driven communication to its full extent.”
Figure 2. (a) Summary of activation patterns for sentences with high syntactic or semantic processing demands compared with simpler sentences. (b) Syntactic/semantic gradients in left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex based on 28 studies reporting posterior temporal cortex activation for syntactically demanding or semantically demanding sentences compared with less demanding sentences (see Supplemental Figure 13 for details). The centers represent the mean coordinates of the local maxima, and the radii represent the standard deviations of the distance between the local maxima and their means. Abbreviations: GFm, GFi, middle and inferior frontal gyri; BA, Brodmann area; GTs, GTm, GTi, superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyri; STS, ITS, superior and inferior temporal sulci; Gsm, supramarginal gyrus.