class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 2018-01-29 The retinal image ## PSY 525.001 • Vision Science • 2018 Spring ### Rick Gilmore ### 2018-01-29 08:21:13 --- # Today's topics -- ## The retinal image -- ## Discuss Fourier analysis, esp. Campbell & Robson 1968. --- class: center, middle, inverse # The retinal image --- class: center, middle # Human retina <img src="" height=450px/> <> --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px/> <> --- class: center, middle ## Ganglion cell response properties differ across cells ## Individual response function of stimulus location, size ## On- and off-center cells ## Receptive fields have *center-surround* structure, due to *lateral inhibition* --- class: center, middle <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Receptive field.png" height=450px></a><br>By original uploaded to en by <a href="//" title="User:Delldot">user:delldot</a>, modified by <a href="//" class="new" title="User:Xoneca (page does not exist)">Xoneca</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en" xml:lang="en">Own work</span>, Public Domain, <a href="">Link</a></p> --- class: center, middle <img src=""> photoreceptors -> horizontal cells; photoreceptors + horizontal cells -> bipolar cells; bipolar cells -> amacrine + ganglion cells; bipolar + amacrine -> ganglion cells --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px> ## Retina -> Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) of thalamus --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px> --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px> ## Parvocellular (small cell) and magnocellular (large cell) layers ## Inputs from ipsilateral (2, 3, 5) and contralateral (1, 4, 6) eye separate by layer ## Retinal geometry aligned --- class: middle # Magno vs. parvo LGN cells | Characteristic | Parvo | Magno | |----------------------|-------|-------| | Color sensitivity | High | Low | | Contrast sensitivity | Low | High | | Spatial resolution | High | Low | | Temporal resolution | Slow | Fast | | Receptive field size | Small | Large | ### Palmer Table 4.1.1 --- class: center, middle # Visual cortex <img src="" height=450px> Striate cortex (stria of Gennari), V1, (Brodmann) area 17 --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px> --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> ## Mapping visual cortex by hand --- class: center, middle ## Center-surround cells rare & rarity surprising ## Simple cells, complex cells, & hypercomplex cells were elongated --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=500px> ## Simple cells --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=500px> ## Orientation (angular) selectivity --- class: center, middle ## Complex cells <img src="" height=400px> ### Nonlinear, motion sensitive, position invariance, spatially extended --- class: center, middle ## Hypercomplex (end-stopped) cells <img src="" height=500px> --- class: center, middle <img src="*YBRgHpwpH8loHlh9PW1tqg.png"> ## Cortical magnification --- class: center, middle <img src=""> <> --- class: center, middle <img src=""> ## Retinotopy --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> ## Expanding ring/annulus --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> ## Rotating wedge --- class: center, middle <img src=""> --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> Zhuang, J., Ng, L., Williams, D., Valley, M., Li, Y., Garrett, M., & Waters, J. (2017). An extended retinotopic map of mouse cortex. eLife, 6. Retrieved from --- class: center, middle <img src="" height=450px/> ## Ocular dominance --- class: center, middle <img src=""> ## Cortical hypercolumn --- class: center # Aspects of the retinal-> V1 image ## Topographic, but non-uniform ## Functionally segregated (on/off center, wavelength, eye of origin) --- class: center, middle, inverse # Spatial frequency analysis <img src=""> --- class: middle, center # But first a bit about images as arrays of numbers --- class: middle ```r pix_per_img <- 100 x <- (1:pix_per_img)/pix_per_img # Make x on (0,1] cyc_per_img <- 2 # spatial frequency f phase <- 0 one_row <- sin(2*pi*cyc_per_img*x + phase) plot(one_row) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r sin_array <- array(rep(one_row, pix_per_img), dim = c(pix_per_img, pix_per_img)) sin_img <- as.cimg(sin_array) # Nice image format from package imager plot(sin_img) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r vertical_grating <- function(pix_per_img=100, cyc_per_img=1, phase=0){ x <- (1:pix_per_img)/pix_per_img one_row <- (sin(2*pi*cyc_per_img*x + phase)+1)*0.5 # Scale to [0,1] as.cimg(array(rep(one_row, pix_per_img), dim = c(pix_per_img, pix_per_img))) } ``` --- class: middle ```r vg_100 <- vertical_grating(cyc_per_img = 5) plot(vg_100, rescale = FALSE) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r vg_50 <- vg_100*0.5 plot(vg_50, rescale = FALSE) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r vg_25 <- vg_100*.25 plot(vg_25, rescale = FALSE) ``` <!-- --> --- # Under the hood - Value at each `\(x,y\)` pixel is a number `\([0,1]\)` (for grayscale) - `plot` scales that to [0,255] (dark to light) - [0,255] has 256 levels, `\(2^8=256\)`, so this is '8-bit grayscale' - 8-bit color has 3 numbers at each pixel, `\((r,g,b)\)`, one each for the **r**ed, **g**reen, and **b**lue values. --- class: middle, center # Synthesizing images from sums of gratings ## Every ~~periodic~~ pattern consists of an infinite sum of gratings of different spatial frequency, amplitude, phase, and orientation --- class: middle ```r grating <- function(pix_per_img=100, cyc_per_img=1, phase=0, vertical=TRUE){ x <- (1:pix_per_img)/pix_per_img one_row <- (sin(2*pi*cyc_per_img*x + phase)+1)*0.5 # Scale to [0,1] many_rows <- array(rep(one_row, pix_per_img), dim = c(pix_per_img, pix_per_img)) if (vertical) as.cimg(many_rows) else as.cimg(t(many_rows)) # transpose (rotate 90 deg) } ``` --- class: middle ```r plot(grating(cyc_per_img = 10)) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(grating(cyc_per_img = 10, vertical=FALSE)) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r g_vert <- grating(cyc_per_img = 10, vertical = TRUE) g_horiz <- grating(cyc_per_img = 10, vertical = FALSE) g_sum <- g_vert + g_horiz plot(g_sum) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle # Synthesizing a square wave ```r f <- 2 # Cycles per image f1 <- grating(cyc_per_img = f) f3 <- grating(cyc_per_img = 3*f)*(1/3) f5 <- grating(cyc_per_img = 5*f)*(1/5) f7 <- grating(cyc_per_img = 7*f)*(1/7) f9 <- grating(cyc_per_img = 9*f)*(1/9) ``` --- class: middle ```r plot(f1) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1+f3) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1+f3+f5) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1+f3+f5+f7) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1+f3+f5+f7+f9) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle # Why this works ```r plot(f1[,1,1,1], ylim = c(0,1)) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1[,1,1,1]+f3[,1,1,1]) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1[,1,1,1]+f3[,1,1,1]+f5[,1,1,1]) ``` <!-- --> --- class: middle ```r plot(f1[,1,1,1]+f3[,1,1,1]+f5[,1,1,1]+f7[,1,1,1]) ``` <!-- --> --- class: center, middle # That's (Fourier) *synthesis* component_1 + component_2 +...+ component_n = image --- class: center, middle <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- class: center, middle # Fourier *analysis* goes in reverse image = component_1 + component_2 +...+ component_n --- class: center, middle <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Fourier transform time and frequency domains (small).gif"></a><br>By <a href="//" title="User:LucasVB">Lucas V. Barbosa</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, Public Domain, <a href="">Link</a></p> --- class: center, middle ## Why is Fourier analysis useful and important for vision science? ## Why is it useful and important for other areas of psychological or neural science? --- class: center, middle, inverse # Break time --- class: center, middle, inverse # Discussion of Campbell, F. W., & Robson, J. G. (1968). --- # Key terms & parameters - Contrast sensitivity vs. contrast threshold - Contrast sensitivity function - Sine, square, rectangular, saw tooth gratings - Fourier components - Luminance (in `\(cd/m^2\)`) - Spatial frequency (in `\(cyc/deg\)`) vs. spatial period ($deg/cyc$) - Temporal frequency (in `\(c/s\)`) - Duty cycle `\((0,1]\)` - Size of image (in deg) - Viewing distance - Fundamental frequency --- # Contrast sensitivity - sensitivity = 1/threshold - low threshold -> high sensitivity & *vice versa* --- class: center, middle # Spatial frequency <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> Rules of thumb (~$1-2^{\circ}$), vertical fist (~$5^{\circ}$), horizontal fist ($10^{\circ}$) --- class: center, middle <img src=""> Three vertical sine wave gratings at low, medium, and high spatial frequency --- # Fourier components - **Sine wave**: `$$\frac{4m}{\pi}sin(\frac{2\pi x}{X})$$` where `\(X\)` is the period, `\(\frac{x}{cycle}\)`, or `\(\frac{1}{frequency}\)` and `\(m\)` is the contrast, `\(\frac{L_{max}-L_{min}}{2\bar L}\)` - There are many measures of contrast, see <> - **Square wave**: `$$\frac{4m}{\pi}[\frac{1}{1}sin(1\frac{2\pi x}{X})+\frac{1}{3}sin(3\frac{2\pi x}{X})+\frac{1}{5}sin(5\frac{2\pi x}{X})+...]$$` --- class: middle, center # Duty cycle <img src=""> --- # Questions - What psychophysical method was used? - How were thresholds estimated? - Why might a larger aperture yield higher sensitivity (lower threshold)? - What spatial frequency yields the highest sensitivity? --- # Evaluating Campbell & Robson (1968) claims 1. The contrast thresholds of a variety of grating patterns have been measured over a wide range of spatial frequencies. 2. Contrast thresholds for the detection of gratings whose luminance profiles are sine, square, rectangular or saw-tooth waves can be simply related using Fourier theory. 3. Over a wide range of spatial frequencies the contrast threshold of a grating is determined only by the amplitude of the fundamental Fourier component of its wave form. 4. Gratings of complex wave form cannot be distinguished from sinewave gratings until their contrast has been raised to a level at which the higher harmonic components reach their independent threshold. 5. These findings can be explained by the existence within the nervous system of linearly operating independent mechanisms selectively sensitive to limited ranges of spatial frequencies. --- # The bigger picture - Is V1 detecting oriented lines or spatial frequency patterns? - [**Gabor patches**]( combine a grating and a Gaussian envelope --- <img src=""> Gabor patches as models of V1 simple cells? --- class: middle, center Real component `$$g(x,y;\lambda, \theta, \psi, \sigma, \gamma)=exp(-\frac{x'^2+\gamma^2y'^2}{2\sigma^2})cos(2\pi\frac{x'}{\lambda} + \psi)$$` Imaginary component `$$g(x,y;\lambda, \theta, \psi, \sigma, \gamma)=exp(-\frac{x'^2+\gamma^2y'^2}{2\sigma^2})sin(2\pi\frac{x'}{\lambda} + \psi)$$` with `\(x'=xcos(\theta)+ysin(\theta)\)` and `\(y'=-x sin(\theta) + ycos(\theta)\)` --- class: center, middle <img src=""> --- class: center, middle |Snellen Metric | Snellen Imperial | MAR | logMAR | Decimal | cyc/deg | |--------------|------------------|-----|--------|---------|--------- | | 6/60 | 20/200 | 10 | 1.0 | 0.10 | 3 | | 6/48 | 20/160 | 8.0 | 0.9 | 0.13 | | | 6/38 | 20/125 | 6.3 | 0.8 | 0.16 | 4.76 | 6/30 | 20/100 | 5.0 | 0.7 | 0.20 || | 6/24 | 20/80 | 4.0 | 0.6 | 0.25 || | 6/19 | 20/60 | 3.2 | 0.5 | 0.32 | 9.375 | | 6/15 | 20/50 | 2.5 | 0.4 | 0.40 || | 6/12 | 20/40 | 2.0 | 0.3 | 0.50 || | 6/9 | 20/30 | 1.6 | 0.2 | 0.63 | 18.75 | | 6/7.5 | 20/25 | 1.25 | 0.1 | 0.80 || | 6/6 | 20/20 | 1.00 | 0.0 | 1.00 | 30 | | 6/4.8 | 20/16 | 0.80 | -0.1 | 1.25 || | 6/3.8 | 20/12.5 | 0.63 | -0.2 | 1.58 || | 6/3.0 | 20/10 | 0.50 | -0.3 | 2.00 | 60 | <> --- class: middle, center <img src=""> High vs. low spatial frequencies carry ≠ information --- class: middle, center <img src=""> --- class: middle, center <img src=""> --- # Next time... ## Depth perception --- class: center, middle Slides created via the R package [**xaringan**]( Rendered HTML and supporting files are pushed to GitHub where GitHub's 'pages' feature is used to host and serve the course website.