2017-09-18 15:09:08

Today's Topics

  • Action potential
  • Action potential propagation

What is where

Ion [inside] [outside] Equilibrium V (+/-) Diffusion

What is where

Ion [inside] [outside] Equilibrium V (+/-) Diffusion
\(K^+\) high low - outward

What is where

Ion [inside] [outside] Equilibrium V (+/-) Diffusion
\(K^+\) high low - outward

What is where

Ion [inside] [outside] Equilibrium V (+/-) Diffusion
\(K^+\) high low - outward
\(Na^+\) low high + inward

Why are \([Na^+]_{out}\) and \([K^+]_{in}\) high?

Why are \([Na^+]_{out}\) and \([K^+]_{in}\) high?

  • Cell expends metabolic energy to create concentration gradients

The -60-80 mV resting potential

  • A. Pulls \(Na^+\) in
  • B. Pushes large organic anions out

The -60-80 mV resting potential

  • A. Pulls \(Na^+\) in
  • B. Pushes large organic anions out

Party On

  • Annie (A-) was having a party.
    • Used to date Nate (Na+), but now sees Karl (K+)
  • Hired bouncers called
    • "The Channels"
    • Let Karl and friends in or out, keep Nate out
  • Annie's friends (A-) and Karl's (K+) mostly inside
  • Nate and friends (Na+) mostly outside
  • Claudia (Cl-) tagging along

What happens if something changes?

  • Easier for Karl [K+] to exit?
  • Easier for Nate [Na+] to enter?
  • Some action!

Action potential

Action potential

  • Threshold of excitation
  • Increase (rising phase/depolarization)
  • Peak
    • at positive voltage
  • Decline (falling phase/repolarization)
  • Return to resting potential (refractory period)

Action potential phases

Phase Neuron State
Rise to threshold + input makes membrane potential more +
Rising phase Voltage-gated Na+ channels open, Na+ enters
Peak Voltage-gated Na+ channels close and deactivate; voltage-gated K+ channels open
Falling phase K+ exits
Refractory period Na+/K+ pump restores [Na+], [K+]; voltage-gated K+ channels close

Refractory periods

  • Absolute
    • Cannot generate action potential (AP) no matter the size of the stimulus
    • Voltage-gated Na+ channels inactivated, reactivate in time.
  • Relative
    • Can generate AP with larg(er) stimulus
    • Some voltage-gated K+ channels still open
  • Refractory periods put 'spaces' between APs

Generating APs

  • Axon hillock
    • Portion of soma adjacent to axon
    • Integrates/sums input to soma
  • Axon initial segment
    • Umyelinated portion of axon adjacent to soma
    • Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels exposed
    • If sum of input to soma > threshold, voltage-gated Na+ channels open

Axon hillock, axon initial segment

Driving force and equilibrium potential

  • "Driving Force" on a given ion depends on its equilibrium potential.
  • Driving force larger if membrane potential far from equilibrium potential for ion.
  • Equilibrium potential
    • Voltage that keeps current (inside/outside) concentrations the same
    • Voltage membrane potential will approach if only that ion flows

Equilibrium potentials calculated under typical conditions

Ion [inside] [outside] Voltage
K+ ~150 mM ~4 mM ~ -90 mV
Na+ ~10 mM ~140 mM ~ +55-60 mV
Cl- ~10 mM ~110 mM ~ - 65-80 mV

Action potential and driving forces

Rising phase

  • Membrane permeability to Na+ increases
  • Na+ inflow
  • Na+ driving force (toward +55 mV) dominant

Falling phase

  • High \(Na^+\) permeability ends
  • Permeability to K+ increases
  • K+ outflow
  • K+ driving force (toward -90 mV) dominant

AP propagation

  • Propagation
    • move down axon, away from soma, toward axon terminals.
  • Unmyelinated axon
    • Each segment "excites" the next

AP propagation is like

AP propagation

  • Myelinated axon
    • AP "jumps" between Nodes of Ranvier, saltatory conduction
    • Nodes of Ranvier == unmyelinated sections of axon
    • voltage-gated Na+, K+ channels exposed
    • Current flows through myelinated segments


  • Why does AP flow in one direction, away from soma?
    • Soma does not have (many) voltage-gated Na+ channels.
    • Soma is not myelinated.
    • Refractory periods mean polarization only in one direction.


  • Why does AP flow in one direction, away from soma?
    • Soma does not have (many) voltage-gated Na+ channels.
    • Soma is not myelinated.
    • Refractory periods mean polarization only in one direction.

Conduction velocities

Information processing

  • AP amplitudes don't vary (much)
    • All or none
  • AP frequency and timing vary
    • Rate vs. timing codes

Next timeā€¦

  • Review for Exam 1