2017-10-05 13:25:48

Today's Topics

  • Wrap-up on brain evolution
  • How the human brain develops

Selection pressures

  • Natural and sexual selection for
    • Traits that improve reproductive success
  • Physical AND psychological traits
    • Hardware and software

Samsung Galaxy S8

Apple iPhone X

Virtues of big phones/brains

  • More storage
  • More processing capacity
  • Better sensors
  • Better output
  • More, better apps
  • Do more, faster

Costs of big brains

  • Long time to build
  • Lots of energy to nourish/maintain
  • Long time to program/train/educate
  • Head/neck must be strong enough to carry
  • How to connect brain/body parts widely, but process info quickly

Does size matter? Maybe not so much.

A new view (Herculano-Houzel 2016)

  • Number of neurons in cerebral cortex makes humans "special"
Species # cortical neurons cortical mass (g)
Human 16 B 1233
Chimpanzee 6 B 286
Elephant 5.6 B 2800
Baboon 2.9 B 120.2

A new view (Herculano-Houzel 2016)

Species # cortical neurons cortical mass (g)
Giraffe 1.7 B 398.8
Rhesus 1.7 B 69.8
Pig 303 M 42.2
Rabbit 71 M 4.4

But humans follow scaling rules typical of other animals

# of cortical (or its equivalent) neurons predicts "cognition"?

How did human brain get this way?

  • Build upon mammalian/primate norms
    • Add neurons to cerebral cortex
  • More efficient energy intake
    • calories/hr foraging vs.
    • cooking?
  • Prolonged (in time) pattern of development
  • Specialized pattern of development
    • Significant time post-natal/pre-reproductive (childhood)

Human brain development take homes

  • Prenatal
    • Neuro- and gliogenesis
    • Migration
    • Synaptogenesis begins
    • Differentiation
    • Apoptosis
    • Myelination begins
    • Infant gene expression ≠ Adult

Human brain development take homes

  • Postnatal
    • Synaptogenesis
    • Cortical expansion, activity-dependent change
    • Myelination
    • Prolonged period of postnatal/pre-reproductive development, i.e., childhood (Konner 2011)


Formation of neural tube (neurulation)

  • Three embryonic tissue layers: Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
  • Ectoderm folds on itself to form neural tube
    • ~20 days post-fertilization
  • Neural tube becomes
    • Ventricles (and cerebral aqueduct)
    • Central canal of spinal cord
    • rostral/caudal axis of CNS


  • Failures of neural tube closure
    • Spina bifida
    • Anencephaly

Spina Bifida

Neurogenesis and gliogenesis

  • Stem cells along ventricles
  • Symmetric cell division
    • Daughter cells can also divide, increases # of proliferative cells
  • Asymmetric cell division
    • Daughter cells post-mitotic (don't divide)

Radial glia

Cell migration

Radial unit hypothesis

Radial unit hypothesis

  • "Units" along rostral/caudal and superior inferior axis determine "fate" of associated CNS region



Glial migration

Axon growth cone

Axons follow

  • Chemoattractants
    • e.g., Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
  • Chemorepellents
  • Receptors in growth cone detect chemical gradients


  • Neuron vs. glial cell
  • Cell type
  • NTs released
  • Where to connect

Differential gene expression by cortical area

Prefrontal vs. Other Ctx


Postnatal patterns of synaptogenesis

Proliferation, pruning

  • Early proliferation
  • Later pruning
  • Rates, peaks differ by area


  • "Programmed" cell death
  • 20-80%, varies by area
  • Spinal cord >> cortex

Apoptosis and cortical expansion

Synaptic rearrangement



  • Neonatal brain largely unmyelinated
  • Gradual myelination, peaks in mid-20s
  • Spinal cord before brain
  • Sensory before motor, except in dorsal/ventral roots of PNS

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

  • Structural MRI measure
  • Diffusion of water molecules
  • Diffusion in a specific direction (aniosotropy) -> white matter integrity


Myelination across human development

Myelination changes "network" properties

Synaptic rearrangment, myelination change cortical thickness

  • [Gogtay2004-bq]
  • Thickness of cerebral cortex declines
    • Synaptic pruning?
  • Areas differ


Human brain development take homes

  • Prenatal
    • Neuro- and gliogenesis
    • Migration
    • Synaptogenesis begins
    • Differentiation
    • Apoptosis
    • Myelination begins
    • Infant gene expression ≠ Adult

Human brain development take homes

  • Postnatal
    • Synaptogenesis
    • Cortical expansion, activity-dependent change
    • Myelination
    • Prolonged period of postnatal/pre-reproductive development

Next time…

  • Brain development beyond childhood


Hagmann, P., O. Sporns, N. Madan, L. Cammoun, R. Pienaar, V. J. Wedeen, R. Meuli, J.-P. Thiran, and P. E. Grant. 2010. “White Matter Maturation Reshapes Structural Connectivity in the Late Developing Human Brain.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (44): 19067–72. doi:10.1073/pnas.1009073107.

Herculano-Houzel, Suzana. 2012. “The Remarkable, yet Not Extraordinary, Human Brain as a Scaled-up Primate Brain and Its Associated Cost.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109 Suppl 1 (June). National Acad Sciences: 10661–8. doi:10.1073/pnas.1201895109.

———. 2016. The Human Advantage: A New Understanding of How Our Brain Became Remarkable. MIT Press. https://market.android.com/details?id=book-DMqpCwAAQBAJ.

———. 2017. “Numbers of Neurons as Biological Correlates of Cognitive Capability.” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 16 (Supplement C): 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2017.02.004.

Johnson, Matthew B, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa, Christopher E Mason, Željka Krsnik, Giovanni Coppola, Darko Bogdanović, Daniel H Geschwind, Shrikant M Mane, Matthew W State, and Nenad Šestan. 2009. “Functional and Evolutionary Insights into Human Brain Development Through Global Transcriptome Analysis.” Neuron 62 (4). Elsevier: 494–509.

Konner, Melvin. 2011. The Evolution of Childhood. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674062016.

Rakic, Pasko. 2009. “Evolution of the Neocortex: A Perspective from Developmental Biology.” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10 (10). Nature Publishing Group: 724–35. doi:10.1038/nrn2719.