2019-01-30 15:14:14


How to play EyeWire (03:56)


  • Exam 1 next Thursday, 2/7
    • 40 questions
  • Complete 1 "component/section" in EyeWire, earn 5 extra credit points.
    • Take screen shot, email to Courtney
    • Due before Spring Break

Today's Topics

  • Warm-up (Review Quiz 1)
  • Cells of the nervous system
    • Glia
    • Neurons
  • How do these cells communicate?

Warm-up (Review Quiz 1)

1. The image illustrates what type of slice?

  • Sagittal
  • Dorsal
  • Coronal
  • Axial

1. The image illustrates what type of slice?

  • Sagittal
  • Dorsal
  • Coronal
  • Axial

2. The figure illustrates the use of _________ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a technique with a ________ spatial resolution

  • functional; fair (~ 3+ mm)
  • structural; good (~ 1 mm)
  • neural; excellent (~ 1 micron)
  • diffusion tensor; poor (~ 1 cm)

2. The figure illustrates the use of _________ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a technique with a ________ spatial resolution

  • functional; fair (~ 3 mm)
  • structural; good (~ 1 mm)
  • neural; excellent (~ 1 micron)
  • diffusion tensor; poor (~ 1 cm)

3. Event-related potentials are detected using ___________; they measure ___________.

3. Event-related potentials are detected using ___________; they measure ___________.

4. All of these structures are components of the midbrain EXCEPT:

  • Superior colliculus
  • 3rd ventricle
  • Tegmentum
  • Inferior colliculus

4. All of these structures are components of the midbrain EXCEPT:

  • Superior colliculus
  • 3rd ventricle
  • Tegmentum
  • Inferior colliculus

5. Why does fMRI represent an indirect measure of brain activity?

  • It measures brain structure, not function.
  • It measures electrical activity, but neurons send chemical messages.
  • It measures changes in blood oxygen and blood flow that follow neural activity.
  • It has poor spatial resolution.

5. Why does fMRI represent an indirect measure of brain activity?

  • It measures brain structure, not function.
  • It measures electrical activity, but neurons send chemical messages.
  • It measures changes in blood oxygen and blood flow that follow neural activity.
  • It has poor spatial resolution.

6. Which philosopher believed that the pineal gland had a special role in both reflexive and voluntary action?

  • Aristotle
  • Galen
  • Vesalius
  • Descartes

6. Which philosopher believed that the pineal gland had a special role in both reflexive and voluntary action?

  • Aristotle
  • Galen
  • Vesalius
  • Descartes

7. Anterograde and retrograde histochemical tracers help neuroscientists determine:

  • What stimuli best activate a brain region
  • What connects where
  • When to stimulate a brain region for maximum effect
  • Whether a brain area is functioning normally

7. Anterograde and retrograde histochemical tracers help neuroscientists determine:

  • What stimuli best activate a brain region
  • What connects where
  • When to stimulate a brain region for maximum effect
  • Whether a brain area is functioning normally

8. Which of these landmarks separates the left from the right cerebral hemisphere?

  • Lateral fissure
  • Longitudinal fissure
  • Anterior cingulate gyrus
  • Central sulcus

8. Which of these landmarks separates the left from the right cerebral hemisphere?

  • Lateral fissure
  • Longitudinal fissure
  • Anterior cingulate gyrus
  • Central sulcus

9. Visual information enters the CNS via the 2nd (II) cranial or _______ nerve and projects to __________ of the thalamus:

  • optic; lateral geniculate nucleus
  • olfactory; striatum
  • optic; substantia nigra
  • oculomotor; superior colliculus

9. Visual information enters the CNS via the 2nd (II) cranial or _______ nerve and projects to __________ of the thalamus:

  • optic; lateral geniculate nucleus
  • olfactory; striatum
  • optic; substantia nigra
  • oculomotor; superior colliculus

10. All of these structures are components of the midbrain EXCEPT:

  • Tectum
  • Hippocampus
  • Inferior colliculus
  • Tegmentum

10. All of these structures are components of the midbrain EXCEPT:

  • Tectum
  • Hippocampus
  • Inferior colliculus
  • Tegmentum

11. This forebrain structure in the central diencephalon controls both the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system:

  • Hippocampus
  • Thalamus
  • Medulla
  • Hypothalamus

11. This forebrain structure in the central diencephalon controls both the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system:

  • Hippocampus
  • Thalamus
  • Medulla
  • Hypothalamus

12. The arrow in the figure on page 2 shows two parts of the brain that are structurally related and adjacent to one another, the _________ and the _________.

12. The arrow in the figure shows two parts of the brain that are structurally related and adjacent to one another, the _________ and the _________.

Cells of the nervous system

How many neurons and glia?

  • Old "lore": ~100 billion neurons
  • New estimate (Azevedo et al. 2009)
    • ~86 +/- 8 billion neurons
    • ~85 +/- 9 billion glia
  • 100-500 trillion synapses, 1 billion/mm^3

Could you count to 170 billion?

  • How many years to count to 170 billion?
  • 60 s/min x 60 min/hr x 24 hrs/day x 365 days/ yr = 31,536,000 s/yr
  • 1.7e11/31,536,000 = 5,390 years

Mass, Neurons, Non-Neurons

Neurons by brain mass

Non-neuronal cells by brain mass

How many neurons and glia?

"These findings challenge the common view that humans stand out from other primates in their brain composition and indicate that, with regard to numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells, the human brain is an isometrically scaled-up primate brain."

(Azevedo et al. 2009)

The Human Advantage

Glia (neuroglia)

  • "Glia" means glue
  • Functions
    • Structural support
    • Metabolic support
    • Brain development
    • Neural plasticity?


  • "Star-shaped"
  • Physical and metabolic support
    • Blood/brain barrier
    • Ion (Ca++/K+) buffering
    • Neurotransmitter (e.g., glutamate) buffering



Myelinating cells

  • Produce myelin or myelin sheath
  • White, fatty substance
  • Surrounds many neurons
  • The "white" in white matter
  • Provide electrical/chemical insulation
  • Make neuronal messages faster, less susceptible to noise

Types of myelin-producing cells


Schwann Cells


  • Phagocytosis
  • Clean-up damaged, dead tissue
  • Prune synapses in normal development and disease
  • Disruptions in microglia pruning -> impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior, (Zhan et al. 2014)



Fun facts about neurons

Macrostructure of neurons

Structure of neurons


  • Branch-like "extrusions" from cell body
  • Majority of input to neuron
  • Cluster close to cell body/soma
  • Usually receive info
  • Passive (do not regenerate electrical signal) vs. active (regenerate signal)
  • Spines


Dendritic Spines

Soma (cell body)

  • Varied shapes
  • Nucleus
    • Chromosomes
  • Organelles
    • Mitochonrdria
    • Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)



  • Another branch-like "extrusion" from soma
  • Extend farther than dendrites
  • Usually transmit info


  • Parts
    • Initial segment (closest to soma, unmyelinated)
    • Nodes of Ranvier (unmyelinated segments along axon)
    • Terminals, axon terminals, terminal buttons, synaptic terminals, synaptic boutons


Synaptic bouton (terminal button)

  • Synapse (~5-10K per neuron)
  • Presynaptic membrane (sending cell) and postsynaptic (receiving cell) membrane
  • Synaptic cleft – space between cells
  • Synaptic vesicles
    • Pouches of neurotransmitters
  • Autoreceptors (detect NTs); transporters (transport NTs across membrane)

Synaptic bouton (terminal button)

Classifying neurons

  • Functional role
    • Input (sensory), output (motor/secretory), interneurons
  • Anatomy
    • Unipolar
    • Bipolar
    • Multipolar

Classifying neurons

  • By specific anatomy
    • Pyramidal cells
    • Stellate cells
    • Purkinje cells
    • Granule cells

Neurons by type

How neurons communicate

Neural communication

  • Electrical
    • Fast(er)
    • Metabolically costly
    • Within neurons
  • Chemical
    • Slow(er)
    • Metabolically cheap
    • Between neurons, & brain <-> body (via hormones)

How are messages generated?

  • Electrical potential (== voltage)
    • Think of potential energy
    • Voltage ~ pressure
    • Energy that will be released if something changes

Potential energy

Types of neural electrical potentials

Resting potential

  • How to measure
    • Electrode on inside
    • Electrode on outside
    • Inside - Outside = potential

Resting potential

Resting potential

  • Neuron (and other cells) have potential energy
    • Inside neuron is -60-70 mV, with respect to outside
    • About 1/20th typical AAA battery
  • Like charges repel, opposites attract, so
    • Positively charged particles pulled in
    • Negatively charged particles pushed out

Where does the resting potential come from?

  • Ions
  • Ion channels
  • Separation between charges
  • A balance of forces

We are the champIONs, my friend

  • Potassium, K+
  • Sodium, Na+
  • Chloride, Cl-
  • Organic anions, A-

Resting potential arises from

  • A balance of forces
    • Force of diffusion
    • Electrostatic force
  • Forces cause ion flows across membrane
  • Ion channels allow ion flow

Ion channels

  • Openings in neural membrane
  • Selective
  • Vary in permeability

Ion channel Types

  • Passive/leak
    • Always open
  • Voltage-gated
    • Open/close at certain voltages
  • Ligand-gated (chemically-gated)
    • Open/close in presence of special chemicals (ligands)
  • Transporters/pumps
    • Move (transport/pump) ions using metabolic energy

Ion channels

Neuron at rest permeable to K+

  • Passive K+ channels open
  • [K+] concentration inside >> outside
  • K+ flows out

Force of diffusion

Force of diffusion

Neuron at rest permeable to K+

  • Organic anions (A-) too large to move outside of cell
  • A- and K+ largely in balance == no net internal charge
  • K+ outflow creates charge separation: K+ <-> A-
  • Charge separation creates a voltage
  • Outside +/inside -
  • Voltage build-up stops outflow of K+ (before inside/outside concentrations are ==)

The resting potential

Balance of forces in the neuron at rest

  • Force of diffusion
    • K+ moves from high concentration (inside) to low (outside)

Balance of forces in the neuron at rest

  • Electrostatic force
    • Positive K+ accumulate along outside
    • Negative A- accumulate along inside
    • K+ || A- along membrane creates battery-like voltage
    • Voltage build-up stops K+ outflow

Electrostatic force

  • Specific voltage called equilibrium potential for K+
  • K+ positive, so equilibrium potential negative (w/ respect to outside)
  • Equilibrium potential close to neuron resting potential

Equilibrium potentials calculated under typical conditions

Ion [inside] [outside] Voltage
K+ ~150 mM ~4 mM ~ -90 mV

Electrical circuit model

Resting potential ≠ K+ equilibrium potential

  • Resting potential not just due to K+ flow
  • Other ions flow
  • Resting potential == net effects of all ion flows across membrane

Next time

  • More on neural communication
  • What are the other ions doing?


Azevedo, Frederico AC, Ludmila RB Carvalho, Lea T Grinberg, José Marcelo Farfel, Renata EL Ferretti, Renata EP Leite, Roberto Lent, Suzana Herculano-Houzel, and others. 2009. “Equal Numbers of Neuronal and Nonneuronal Cells Make the Human Brain an Isometrically Scaled-up Primate Brain.” Journal of Comparative Neurology 513 (5). Wiley Online Library: 532–41.

Bazargani, Narges, and David Attwell. 2016. “Astrocyte Calcium Signaling: The Third Wave.” Nature Neuroscience 19 (2): 182–89. doi:10.1038/nn.4201.

Bhardwaj, Ratan D., Maurice A. Curtis, Kirsty L. Spalding, Bruce A. Buchholz, David Fink, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Claes Nordborg, et al. 2006. “Neocortical Neurogenesis in Humans Is Restricted to Development.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (33): 12564–8. doi:10.1073/pnas.0605177103.

Chung, Won-Suk, Christina A. Welsh, Ben A. Barres, and Beth Stevens. 2015. “Do Glia Drive Synaptic and Cognitive Impairment in Disease?” Nature Neuroscience 18 (11): 1539–45. doi:10.1038/nn.4142.

Magrassi, L., K. Leto, and F. Rossi. 2013. “Lifespan of Neurons Is Uncoupled from Organismal Lifespan.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (11): 4374–9. doi:10.1073/pnas.1217505110.

Zhan, Yang, Rosa C. Paolicelli, Francesco Sforazzini, Laetitia Weinhard, Giulia Bolasco, Francesca Pagani, Alexei L. Vyssotski, et al. 2014. “Deficient Neuron-Microglia Signaling Results in Impaired Functional Brain Connectivity and Social Behavior.” Nature Neuroscience 17 (3): 400–406. doi:10.1038/nn.3641.