Data structure semantics

Most data wrangling can be accomplished using data.frame object (or tbl objects in dplyr). These objects consist of rows and columns, forming a rectangular structure.

gapminder %>% kable_table(n=6)
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.4453
Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.8530
Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.1007
Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.1971
Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.9811
Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.438 14880372 786.1134


A variable contains all values measuring an attribute (e.g., neuroticism) across units (e.g., people).

Columns in data.frames are typically labeled and represent variables.

Moreover, in a data.frame, all values in a given column should have the same data type, such as character strings. But a data.frame is different from a matrix object because columns can differ in terms of data type. For example, in the gapminder, the country column is a factor, whereas lifeExp is a numeric column.

“A data frame is a list of vectors that R displays as a table. When your data is tidy, the values of each variable fall in their own column vector.” Citation


An observation contains all values measured on the same unit across attributes.

Rows in a data.frame typically represent observations.


Datasets contain values, which can be numbers, strings, factors, and so on.

Each value belongs to a single observation and a single variable – that is, each value is a datum.

Summary of data terminology

Data wrangling grammar

To communicate effectively about data structure, manipulation, and processing, we need a common set of data wrangling verbs.

The data import and transformation cheatsheets ( provide a succinct overview of the tools we will use in bootcamp.

Base R provides a number of other tools for data management, but does not have a unifying conceptual framework.

For clarity in your training, we’ll stick closely to functions in the tidyr and dplyr packages developed by Hadley Wickham and others. See

Tidy data

In general, we will try to wrangle each dataset in R into what we call tidy form. The idea of ‘tidying’ is to modify the structure of a dataset to facilitate analysis. Furthermore, the term ‘tidy’ is intended to refer to a specific and shared framework, not a subjective view of what each user thinks is tidy.

Specifically, we can judge a dataset as tidy or messy according how rows, columns, and tables are matched up with observations, variables, and types.

Building on Wickham (2014), tidy data have the following three properties:

  1. Each variable forms a column
  2. Each observation forms a row
  3. Each type of observational unit (e.g., persons, schools, counties) forms a table.

Furthermore, variables that are part of the design (participant number, experimental condition, county ID, etc.), or that may be key categorical moderators, should typically be placed first (columns to the left), and measured variables thereafter (columns to the right).

This sounds easy, right?! But in truth, we have all seen data that look more like this:

0.6226  WARNING     Movie2 stim could not be imported and won't be available
17.6226     DATA    version J
102.5349    DATA    Keypress: space
110.4876    DATA    Keypress: v
110.6203    DATA    Keypress: v
111.0859    DATA    Keypress: v
112.6459    DATA    Keypress: t
116.4982    DATA    Keypress: v
118.5406    DATA    Keypress: v

For a more detailed treatment of tidy data, see:

Tidying verbs

The tidyr package provides four core functions to aid in converting messy data into tidy form. We may also need functions from dplyr at times. Each of these verbs is also a function that does transforms the dataset – with the goal of making it more tidy.

  1. Gather: combine multiple columns into a single column with a key-value pair format
  2. Spread: divide key-value rows into multiple columns
  3. Separate: split a single variable into multiple variables by pulling apart the values into pieces
  4. Unite: merge two variables (columns) into one, effectively pasting together the values

Note: gather and spread are complements. And separate and unite are complements.

Now, let’s look at a series of datasets (from Wickham 2014) and consider how tidy or messy they are.

Gather example

Here is our first mess. Notice that the column headers are values, not variable names. This is untidy and hard to look at. We effectively have the data in a cross-tabulated format, but religion and income are not variables in the dataset.

Messy version

religion <$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k
Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137
Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70
Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58
Catholic 418 617 732 670 638 1116
Don’t know/refused 15 14 15 11 10 35
Evangelical Prot 575 869 1064 982 881 1486
Hindu 1 9 7 9 11 34
Historically Black Prot 228 244 236 238 197 223
Jehovah’s Witness 20 27 24 24 21 30
Jewish 19 19 25 25 30 95

Tidy version

In the tidy version, religion and income become variables, and the number of observations in each religion x income combination is a frequency column. This is now tidy insofar as each value in the frequency column represents a unique combination of the religion and income factors, which are coded as variables.

religion income freq
Agnostic <$10k 27
Agnostic >150k 84
Agnostic $10-20k 34
Agnostic $100-150k 109
Agnostic $20-30k 60
Agnostic $30-40k 81
Agnostic $40-50k 76
Agnostic $50-75k 137
Agnostic $75-100k 122
Agnostic Don’t know/refused 96

Tidying solution

To achieve the above transformation, we want to gather the many columns of income into a single income column.

tidy1 <- mess1 %>% gather(key=income, value=freq, -religion)

Here, we tell tidyr that we wish to create a lookup (‘key’) column called income whose correponding values will be called freq (here, representing the frequency of this religion x income combination). Furthermore, as additional arguments to gather, we provide the columns that should be combined, representing levels of the key variable. By specifying -religion, we are saying ‘all columns except religion.’ The alternative would be to provide a comma-separate list of columns like this mess1 %>% gather(key=income, value=freq, `<$10k`, `$10-20k`, etc.)

Spread example

In our second mess, we have a weather dataset from the Global Historical Climatology Network for one weather station MX17004 in Mexico. The data represent minimum and maximum temperatures measured across 31 days for five months. The days within each month are on the columns, the months are encoded as a variable month, and the min and max temperatures are separated by row, as identified by the element variable.

Messy version

#show a subset of column that fit on the page
mess2 %>% dplyr::select(id:d13) %>% kable_table(n=8)
id year month element d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13
MX17004 2010 1 tmax NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 1 tmin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 2 tmax NA 27.3 24.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 29.7 NA NA
MX17004 2010 2 tmin NA 14.4 14.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.4 NA NA
MX17004 2010 3 tmax NA NA NA NA 32.1 NA NA NA NA 34.5 NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 3 tmin NA NA NA NA 14.2 NA NA NA NA 16.8 NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 4 tmax NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
MX17004 2010 4 tmin NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Tidy version

id year month day tmax tmin
MX17004 2010 1 30 27.8 14.5
MX17004 2010 2 2 27.3 14.4
MX17004 2010 2 3 24.1 14.4
MX17004 2010 2 11 29.7 13.4
MX17004 2010 2 23 29.9 10.7
MX17004 2010 3 5 32.1 14.2
MX17004 2010 3 10 34.5 16.8
MX17004 2010 3 16 31.1 17.6

Tidying solution

To clean this up, we need to bring all of the day columns together using gather so that we can encode day as a variable and temperature as a variable. We also may want to have max and min temperature as separate columns (i.e., variables), rather than keeping that as a key-value pair. That is, the tmin and tmax values denote the type of observation, which would usually be represented as separate variables in tidy format.

Here is the basic approach:

#use num_range() to select variables called d1--d31
tidy2 <- mess2 %>% gather(key=day, value=temperature, num_range("d", 1:31)) %>%
   mutate(day=parse_number(day)) %>% #remove 'd'
   spread(key=element, value=temperature) %>% 

Notice how spread takes a key – element – that has values 'tmin' or 'tmax' and puts the values of these rows onto columns. This is a kind of ‘long-to-wide’ conversion and we would expect here for the number of rows in the dataset drop two-fold with the spread compare to the preceding step where we’ve gathered the day columns.

Separate example

In our third mess, we have multiple variables stored in one column. More specifically, in these data, the ‘m014’ etc. columns represent a combination of sex (m/f) and age range (e.g., 014 is 0–14). The country and year columns are ‘tidy’ because they represent variables, but the sex + age columns are not.

Messy version

#use select to select a few columns that can fit on the page
mess3 %>% dplyr::select(country:f1524) %>% kable_table(n=5)
country year m014 m1524 m2534 m3544 m4554 m5564 m65 mu f014 f1524
AD 2000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA
AE 2000 2 4 4 6 5 12 10 NA 3 16
AF 2000 52 228 183 149 129 94 80 NA 93 414
AG 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA 1 1
AL 2000 2 19 21 14 24 19 16 NA 3 11

Tidy version

country year sex age_range freq
AD 2000 m 0-14 0
AE 2000 m 0-14 2
AF 2000 m 0-14 52
AG 2000 m 0-14 0
AL 2000 m 0-14 2
AM 2000 m 0-14 2
AN 2000 m 0-14 0
AO 2000 m 0-14 186

Tidying solution

We essentially need to parse apart the ‘m’ from the ‘014’ components of each value, which is a job for separate. Note that we also need to gather the wacky sex + age columns first to make this easier.

tidy3 <- mess3 %>% gather(key=sex_age, value=freq, -country, -year) %>%
  separate(sex_age, into=c("sex", "age_range"), sep=1)

Here, we gather all columns except country and year into a single key-value pair. This is an intermediate stage of the dataset that is semi-tidy. We then separate the sex and age components of the values into separate variables, resulting in a tidy dataset.

country year sex age_range freq
AD 2000 m 014 0
AE 2000 m 014 2
AF 2000 m 014 52
AG 2000 m 014 0
AL 2000 m 014 2
AM 2000 m 014 2
AN 2000 m 014 0
AO 2000 m 014 186

This is pretty close. The age_range variable is still a little clunky because it isn’t easy to read. We could modify this further using mutate and recode from dplyr, but that’s not the immediate emphasis here.

tidy3 <- tidy3 %>% mutate(age_range=recode(age_range,
  "u"="unknown", .default=NA_character_

Unite example

Although the least common of the tidying verbs (in my experience), unite is the complement to separate and can be used to bring together multiple variables that we wish to store as a single variable. For example, we may have first name and last name stored in separate variables, but wish to put them together for display or exporting purposes. Sometimes, we also use unite as an intermediate stage in tidying, bringing together variables, reshaping the data, then re-separating them.

first_name last_name age favorite_color
Graham Doe 11 Purple
Kieran Helali 9 Blue
Charlotte Stafford 11 Pink

If we wanted to have a full_name, we could use unite to combine first_name and last_name and then get rid of those individual columns.

df4_united <- df4 %>% unite(col = "full_name", first_name, last_name, sep=" ")
full_name age favorite_color
Graham Doe 11 Purple
Kieran Helali 9 Blue
Charlotte Stafford 11 Pink

Advanced reshaping

If you find yourself needing more advanced reshaping powers, look at the reshape2 package, a predecessor of tidyr. Even though tidyr is more recent, it is also more simplified and does not offer robust facilities for reshaping lists and arrays. Moreover, for data.frame objects, the dcast function from reshape2 offers a flexible syntax for specifying how multi-dimensional data should be reshaped into a 2-D data.frame. The dcast approach has been extended by the data.table package, which provides a fast, flexible, and memory-efficient approach to basic data reshaping (though there is a learning curve). Here are a couple of resources:

Reshape2 tutorial:

Further extensions using data.table package: