This document describes the steps you must take to ensure that you are able to use your laptop computer during the 2018 R Bootcamp.


1. Get a Penn State access account

You will need your Penn State Access Account user ID (e.g. rog1) in order to access the psu wifi. Your home department should set this up for you.

2. Set up Penn State (psu) wifi access

We suggest that you setup access to the psu wifi prior to attending bootcamp. This will allow you to access all materials during the talks and to use the web-based version of RStudio provided by the Teaching and Learning with Technology group.

To setup access to the psu wifi, you need to be on campus.

Follow the instructions here for your specific device and operating system.

3. Connect to Penn State’s psu wifi

Once you have connected, try navigating to to test whether you can connect to the cloud-based version of RStudio.


1. Set-up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

You should not need 2FA for the bootcamp, but you will need it for other Penn State services. While you are setting up your device(s), you may as well set up 2FA.

I find that 2FA works really well from my smartphone (iPhone). Follow the detailed instructions at

2. Create a GitHub account

It is not required for the bootcamp, but you may want to create a GitHub account so you can start using GitHub for your own reproducible workflows and contribute to other open source projects.

Visit to create an account.

3. Install PSU’s Cisco AnyConnect Virtual Private Network (VPN) client

The VPN client allows you to connect to PSU’s network securely from an off campus location (like your home or favoriate coffee shop) and allows you to use some services that are otherwise only available to users who are on campus. The TLT RStudio server is one of these services. So, if you like the TLT RStudio server and want to use it while you are elsewhere, you’ll want to download, install, and use Cisco AnyConnect.

Follow the instructions at to install the AnyConnect client on your device.