PSY 511 course performance will be evaluated based on the following scheme:

Component Points % of Grade
Quizzes 10 pts * 3 quizzes = 30 30
Symposium presentation 40 pts 40
Paper 30 pts 30
TOTAL 100 100

Grading Scheme

Points Percent Grade
100+ 100+ A+
94-100 94-99 A
90-93 90-93 A-
87-89 87-89 B+
84-86 84-86 B
80-83 80-83 B-
77-79 77-79 C+
70-76 70-76 C
60-69 60-69 D
<59 <59 F

Student symposium presentation

We will plan and host a student symposium with individual and group presentations at the end of the semester.

Resource write-up

Please write-up a review of i) one of the references you discuss in your symposium presentation or ii) another paper of your choosing in the style of a Neuron “Preview” or a Nature “Research Highlights” paper (example).

Your review should be 2,000-2,500 words (6-10 pp in length) and is due by noon on Wednesday, December 18, 2019.


Copyright © 2019 Rick O. Gilmore