Hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain & ventricular landmarks Major fissures/sulci, gyri Autonomic vs. somatic Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system
Resting potential – what & why and this \([K^+]\) story (where concentrated, direction of flow) \([Na^+]\) story (where concentrated, direction of flow) Summary Action potential and propagation – how & why Steps leading to neurotransmitter release and this summary figure
Anatomy (where released) and function Receptor types: ionotropic vs. metabotropic Inactivation mechanisms & rationale EPSPs & IPSPs
Behaviors under hormonal influence HPA axis, SAM axis Anatomy: Where released Direct (posterior pituitary) vs. indirect (anterior) release Responses to threat/challenge Milk letdown reflex
Emergence of complex nervous systems Comparing vertebrate brains Patterns of brain/body mass across vertebrates Human brains vs. other animals