
September 6, 2024

Student Evaluation


Component Description Points
Attendance You will receive 1 point for each class you attend up to a maximum of 40. 40
Exercises There will be eight (8) exercises that you must work on. Each exercise is worth 10 points. The top four (4) count toward your final grade. 40
Final project You will complete a final project, either on your own, or with a small group of 3 or less. Your final project is worth 40 points. 40
Extra Credit If you submit more than four exercise write-ups, you may earn up to 10 extra credit points.

Grading Scheme

Percent Points Grade
94+ 113 A
90-93 108-112 A-
87-89 104-107 B+
84-86 100-103 B
80-83 96-99 B-
77-79 92-95 C+
70-76 84-91 C
60-69 72-93 D
<59 <=71 F