Retraction Watch


This document downloads and summarizes some of the data from the newly public Retraction Watch database.


Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union


This site: describes some information about how to access the Retraction Watch database.

if (params$use_cached == FALSE) {
  url <- ""
  rw <- readr::read_csv(url)
  if (params$cache_rw) readr::write_csv(rw, "csv/retraction-watch.csv")
} else {
  rw <- readr::read_csv("csv/retraction-watch.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)

spc_tbl_ [47,305 × 20] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ Record ID            : num [1:47305] 47657 47653 47650 47649 47648 ...
 $ Title                : chr [1:47305] "Common risk factors in the cross-section of corporate bond returns" "A new perspective on structural and morphological properties of carbon nanotubes synthesized by Plasma Enhanced"| __truncated__ "The Effects of Percent and Position of Nitrogen Atoms on Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons" "Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube and Zinc Oxide (CNTâ\u0080\u0093ZnO) Nanocomposite" ...
 $ Subject              : chr [1:47305] "(B/T) Business - Economics;" "(PHY) Engineering - Chemical;(PHY) Materials Science;(PHY) Nanotechnology;" "(PHY) Engineering - Chemical;(PHY) Materials Science;(PHY) Nanotechnology;" "(PHY) Engineering - Chemical;(PHY) Materials Science;(PHY) Nanotechnology;" ...
 $ Institution          : chr [1:47305] "McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, 3700 O St., Washington, DC, 20057, USA;" "Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran; Department "| __truncated__ "Plasma Physics Research Center, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran; Department "| __truncated__ "Department of Physics, Imam Khomeini University, Qazvin, Iran; Department of Physics, Shahed University, Tehran"| __truncated__ ...
 $ Journal              : chr [1:47305] "Journal of Financial Economics" "Results in Physics" "Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials" "Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials" ...
 $ Publisher            : chr [1:47305] "Elsevier" "Elsevier" "Springer" "Springer" ...
 $ Country              : chr [1:47305] "United States" "Iran" "Iran" "Iran" ...
 $ Author               : chr [1:47305] "Jennie Bai;Turan G Bali;Quan Wen" "A Salar Elahi;K Mikaili Agah;M Ghoranneviss" "A Jafari;M Ghoranneviss;M Gholami;A Salar Elahi;A Kavosi Ghafi" "P Farazmand;M Khanlary;S Fehli;A Salar Elahi;M Ghoranneviss" ...
 $ URLS                 : chr [1:47305] NA ";" ";" ";" ...
 $ ArticleType          : chr [1:47305] "Research Article;" "Research Article;" "Research Article;" "Research Article;" ...
 $ RetractionDate       : chr [1:47305] "2/13/2019 0:00" "11/13/2020 0:00" "6/16/2023 0:00" "4/7/2023 0:00" ...
 $ RetractionDOI        : chr [1:47305] "10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.08.002" "10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103557" "10.1007/s10904-023-02760-3" "10.1007/s10904-023-02641-9" ...
 $ RetractionPubMedID   : num [1:47305] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ OriginalPaperDate    : chr [1:47305] "8/16/2018 0:00" "4/5/2017 0:00" "8/2/2016 0:00" "2/20/2015 0:00" ...
 $ OriginalPaperDOI     : chr [1:47305] "10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.08.002" "10.1016/j.rinp.2017.01.043" "10.1007/s10904-016-0430-7" "10.1007/s10904-015-0196-3" ...
 $ OriginalPaperPubMedID: num [1:47305] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ RetractionNature     : chr [1:47305] "Retraction" "Retraction" "Retraction" "Retraction" ...
 $ Reason               : chr [1:47305] "+Error in Data;+Error in Results and/or Conclusions;" "+Duplication of Article;" "+Concerns/Issues About Authorship;+Concerns/Issues with Peer Review;+Fake Peer Review;+False/Forged Authorship;" "+Concerns/Issues About Authorship;+Concerns/Issues with Peer Review;+Fake Peer Review;" ...
 $ Paywalled            : chr [1:47305] "No" "No" "No" "No" ...
 $ Notes                : chr [1:47305] "date of retraction unknown, html page overwrite; see also:" NA NA NA ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols(
  ..   `Record ID` = col_double(),
  ..   Title = col_character(),
  ..   Subject = col_character(),
  ..   Institution = col_character(),
  ..   Journal = col_character(),
  ..   Publisher = col_character(),
  ..   Country = col_character(),
  ..   Author = col_character(),
  ..   URLS = col_character(),
  ..   ArticleType = col_character(),
  ..   RetractionDate = col_character(),
  ..   RetractionDOI = col_character(),
  ..   RetractionPubMedID = col_double(),
  ..   OriginalPaperDate = col_character(),
  ..   OriginalPaperDOI = col_character(),
  ..   OriginalPaperPubMedID = col_double(),
  ..   RetractionNature = col_character(),
  ..   Reason = col_character(),
  ..   Paywalled = col_character(),
  ..   Notes = col_character()
  .. )
 - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr> 


rw_l <- rw |>
  separate_longer_delim(Subject, delim=";") |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_extract(Subject, "\\([A-Z/]+\\)")) |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_remove(field_type, "\\(")) |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_remove(field_type, "\\)")) |>
  mutate(retraction_year = stringr::str_extract(RetractionDate, "[0-9]{4}")) |>
  mutate(field = stringr::str_remove(Subject, "^\\([A-Z/]+\\) "))


xtabs(~ field_type, rw_l)
  B/T   BLS   ENV   HSC   HUM   PHY   SOC 
22774 38958  3980 27844  1625 16464  8778 
rw_l_2000 <- rw_l |>
  filter(as.numeric(retraction_year) > 2000)
xtabs(~ field_type + retraction_year, rw_l_2000)
field_type 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
       B/T    3   10    5   16   26   18  121  162  999 4930 4057  193  329
       BLS   37  212  136  144  165  256  326  435  593  921 1936  987 1185
       ENV    5    4    1    7    3   20   16   23   75  640  984   70   71
       HSC   28   65   65  146  113  190  214  348  547  685 1238 1160 1306
       HUM    1    4    0    9    1    4   10   13   27  149  176   23   23
       PHY   11   44   65   51   55   96  125  135  438 4100 1975  470  581
       SOC    6    3    3    8   10   14   25   51  180 1226 1106  130  185
field_type 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
       B/T  203  289  339  364 1098 1348  881 1608 4216 1518
       BLS 1078 1838 2095 1868 2281 2194 3952 6027 5583 3870
       ENV   86  118  146  133  161  222  125  674  243  132
       HSC 1040 1495 1853 1608 1543 1985 3018 2167 3281 3243
       HUM   23   62   34   61  121  230  205  158  141   90
       PHY  427  606  592  698 1062  815  970 1273 1214  597
       SOC  121  155  184  447  655 1098  691  755 1032  671
rw_l_2000 |>
  group_by(retraction_year, field_type) |>
  mutate(n_retractions = n()) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(retraction_year, n_retractions) +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(field_type), ncol = 3) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90), axis.title.x = element_blank())  

rw_l_2000 |>
  filter(field_type == "B/T") |>
  group_by(retraction_year, field) |>
  mutate(n_retractions = n()) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(retraction_year, n_retractions) +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(field), ncol = 3) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90), axis.title.x = element_blank())  

plot_by_subfield <- function(ft = "B/T", df = rw_l) {
  df |>
  filter(! |>
  filter(field_type == {{ft}}) |>
  group_by(retraction_year, field) |>
  mutate(n_retractions = n()) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(retraction_year, n_retractions) +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(field), ncol = 3) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90), axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("Retractions 2000-present")








rw_r <- rw |>
  separate_longer_delim(Reason, delim=";") |>
  mutate(reason = stringr::str_remove(Reason, "\\+")) |>
  separate_longer_delim(Subject, delim=";") |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_extract(Subject, "\\([A-Z/]+\\)")) |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_remove(field_type, "\\(")) |>
  mutate(field_type = stringr::str_remove(field_type, "\\)"))

reasons_sum <- rw_r |>
  filter(! |>
  group_by(field_type, reason) |>
  summarize(n = n()) |>
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'field_type'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

Top retraction reasons by field_type.

reasons_sum |>
  knitr::kable(format = "html") |>
Table 1: Top retraction reasons by field_type.
field_type reason n
BLS 38958
HSC 27844
B/T 22774
PHY 16464
B/T Notice - Limited or No Information 10415
BLS Duplication of Image 9499
BLS Concerns/Issues About Data 8779
SOC 8778
B/T Investigation by Journal/Publisher 8029
HSC Concerns/Issues About Data 6375
BLS Unreliable Results 6304
HSC Investigation by Journal/Publisher 6152
BLS Investigation by Journal/Publisher 6122
PHY Notice - Limited or No Information 6088
BLS Investigation by Third Party 5673
B/T Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 5346
B/T Breach of Policy by Author 5343
BLS Paper Mill 5272
B/T Fake Peer Review 4952
BLS Investigation by Company/Institution 4566
HSC Investigation by Third Party 4314
BLS Concerns/Issues About Image 4283
HSC Investigation by Company/Institution 4081
BLS Original Data not Provided 4026
ENV 3980
HSC Unreliable Results 3822
BLS Manipulation of Images 3039
HSC Misconduct by Author 2902
SOC Notice - Limited or No Information 2758
BLS Error in Image 2740
PHY Investigation by Journal/Publisher 2727
BLS Notice - Limited or No Information 2628
HSC Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 2609
HSC Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 2544
BLS Author Unresponsive 2518
B/T Unreliable Results 2468
HSC Notice - Limited or No Information 2355
BLS Unreliable Data 2340
SOC Investigation by Journal/Publisher 2324
B/T Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 2309
PHY Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 2302
HSC Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 2274
B/T Withdrawal 2264
BLS Error in Data 2244
B/T Rogue Editor 2242
HSC Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 2173
BLS Misconduct by Author 2165
HSC Concerns/Issues About Results 2104
HSC Withdrawal 2082
BLS Falsification/Fabrication of Data 2056
HSC Duplication of Article 1983
BLS Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 1960
HSC Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 1939
HSC Falsification/Fabrication of Data 1904
PHY Breach of Policy by Author 1858
BLS Concerns/Issues About Results 1852
BLS Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 1839
BLS Results Not Reproducible 1756
B/T Euphemisms for Plagiarism 1752
BLS Duplication of Article 1660
BLS Fake Peer Review 1646
HUM 1625
PHY Duplication of Article 1580
HSC Fake Peer Review 1558
HSC Error in Data 1544
BLS Updated to Retraction 1512
BLS Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 1505
HSC Plagiarism of Article 1479
PHY Withdrawal 1456
HSC Duplication of Image 1444
BLS Concerns/Issues About Authorship 1434
B/T Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 1432
BLS Objections by Third Party 1418
BLS Error in Results and/or Conclusions 1357
BLS Duplication of Data 1326
ENV Notice - Limited or No Information 1322
BLS Falsification/Fabrication of Image 1321
B/T Plagiarism of Text 1316
SOC Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 1313
PHY Fake Peer Review 1303
BLS Withdrawal 1272
SOC Breach of Policy by Author 1253
SOC Fake Peer Review 1226
BLS Euphemisms for Plagiarism 1201
BLS Plagiarism of Article 1193
BLS Error in Analyses 1188
BLS Error in Methods 1173
HSC Euphemisms for Plagiarism 1160
B/T Investigation by Third Party 1155
SOC Euphemisms for Plagiarism 1153
B/T Paper Mill 1149
B/T Concerns/Issues About Data 1146
B/T Duplication of Article 1097
PHY Unreliable Results 1092
HSC Retract and Replace 1090
SOC Plagiarism of Text 1067
HSC Ethical Violations by Author 1057
HSC Error in Analyses 1051
PHY Plagiarism of Article 1033
PHY Concerns/Issues About Data 1017
HSC Error in Methods 1005
HSC Concerns/Issues About Image 994
ENV Investigation by Journal/Publisher 993
HSC Plagiarism of Text 988
BLS Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 984
HSC Author Unresponsive 971
B/T Plagiarism of Article 965
BLS Plagiarism of Text 941
HSC Unreliable Data 929
HSC Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 918
SOC Withdrawal 893
HSC Concerns/Issues About Authorship 882
HSC Error in Results and/or Conclusions 879
PHY Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 875
PHY Euphemisms for Plagiarism 854
HSC Withdrawn (out of date) 848
HSC Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 839
SOC Duplication of Article 825
HSC Civil Proceedings 820
PHY Error in Data 767
HSC False/Forged Authorship 764
HSC Original Data not Provided 762
BLS Error in Text 761
HSC Paper Mill 759
B/T Randomly Generated Content 756
HSC Error in Text 756
ENV Fake Peer Review 736
PHY Duplication of Image 706
BLS Objections by Author(s) 697
BLS False/Forged Authorship 690
BLS Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 683
HSC Updated to Retraction 669
BLS Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 665
HSC Error in Image 652
SOC Concerns/Issues About Data 649
SOC Unreliable Results 644
BLS Investigation by ORI 634
BLS Breach of Policy by Author 632
BLS Conflict of Interest 629
BLS Euphemisms for Duplication 621
BLS Ethical Violations by Author 620
SOC Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 616
HSC Manipulation of Images 600
PHY Plagiarism of Text 599
HSC Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 581
HSC Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare 578
SOC Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 577
HSC Error by Journal/Publisher 576
ENV Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 558
ENV Rogue Editor 555
HSC Objections by Third Party 554
PHY Error in Results and/or Conclusions 551
BLS Plagiarism of Image 541
ENV Breach of Policy by Author 538
PHY Falsification/Fabrication of Data 536
PHY Error in Analyses 520
B/T Concerns/Issues About Results 506
BLS Unreliable Image 504
BLS Error by Journal/Publisher 496
PHY Concerns/Issues About Authorship 496
HSC Objections by Author(s) 488
BLS Notice - No/Limited Information 479
BLS Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 478
PHY Investigation by Third Party 474
BLS Copyright Claims 469
PHY Investigation by Company/Institution 467
HSC Breach of Policy by Author 463
BLS Lack of Approval from Author 453
HSC Conflict of Interest 450
B/T Author Unresponsive 448
HSC Euphemisms for Duplication 442
B/T Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 440
HSC Results Not Reproducible 439
SOC Investigation by Third Party 431
PHY Euphemisms for Duplication 411
B/T Notice - No/Limited Information 410
PHY Unreliable Data 407
HSC Copyright Claims 404
PHY Error in Methods 402
PHY Notice - No/Limited Information 402
HSC Duplication of Data 398
ENV Notice - No/Limited Information 397
BLS Duplication of Text 385
SOC Plagiarism of Article 381
HSC Rogue Editor 378
SOC Rogue Editor 378
PHY Concerns/Issues About Results 374
PHY False/Forged Authorship 369
PHY Misconduct by Author 346
HSC Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 344
ENV Withdrawal 340
BLS Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 337
BLS Plagiarism of Data 331
SOC Retract and Replace 331
B/T Concerns/Issues About Authorship 328
BLS Contamination of Cell Lines/Tissues 325
PHY Concerns/Issues About Image 323
HSC Duplication of Text 322
SOC Investigation by Company/Institution 320
B/T Objections by Author(s) 318
BLS Error in Materials (General) 318
HUM Date of Retraction/Other Unknown 318
SOC Paper Mill 317
B/T Error in Text 313
HSC Lack of Approval from Author 306
HSC Lack of Approval from Third Party 306
HSC Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 305
HUM Notice - Limited or No Information 305
B/T Retract and Replace 299
HSC Falsification/Fabrication of Image 299
ENV Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 298
ENV Updated to Retraction 296
HUM Investigation by Journal/Publisher 296
ENV Randomly Generated Content 294
SOC Concerns/Issues About Results 289
BLS Retract and Replace 271
SOC Error in Text 271
HSC Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 269
HSC Plagiarism of Image 267
PHY Error in Image 261
B/T Error by Journal/Publisher 260
HSC Temporary Removal 250
PHY Copyright Claims 249
PHY Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 249
PHY Randomly Generated Content 248
BLS Lack of Approval from Third Party 246
PHY Error in Text 246
PHY Lack of Approval from Author 246
BLS Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 243
B/T Investigation by Company/Institution 241
HSC Notice - Lack of 241
PHY Results Not Reproducible 241
PHY Rogue Editor 241
ENV Duplication of Article 238
HUM Euphemisms for Plagiarism 237
B/T Error in Results and/or Conclusions 234
B/T Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 234
HSC Plagiarism of Data 232
HSC Investigation by ORI 229
B/T Updated to Retraction 226
SOC Error in Results and/or Conclusions 225
PHY Duplication of Text 222
HSC Cites Retracted Work 221
HUM Plagiarism of Text 221
PHY Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 221
BLS Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 219
B/T Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 216
BLS Error in Cell Lines/Tissues 216
ENV Euphemisms for Plagiarism 210
HUM Plagiarism of Article 209
ENV Concerns/Issues About Data 206
PHY Objections by Third Party 205
SOC Error by Journal/Publisher 205
HSC Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 204
PHY Author Unresponsive 204
HUM Withdrawal 201
B/T Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 198
PHY Error by Journal/Publisher 194
PHY Manipulation of Images 190
ENV Plagiarism of Article 189
PHY Duplication of Data 187
BLS Notice - Lack of 186
ENV Unreliable Results 186
ENV Plagiarism of Text 184
PHY Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 184
BLS Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 183
B/T Euphemisms for Duplication 182
BLS Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 182
PHY Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 179
B/T Misconduct by Author 178
ENV Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 178
PHY Objections by Author(s) 176
PHY Updated to Retraction 175
BLS Civil Proceedings 174
SOC Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 174
SOC Error in Analyses 173
PHY Plagiarism of Image 171
B/T Error in Data 168
HUM Duplication of Article 167
PHY Ethical Violations by Author 167
PHY Plagiarism of Data 163
PHY Lack of Approval from Third Party 162
SOC Error in Data 162
BLS Cites Retracted Work 160
PHY Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 160
PHY Retract and Replace 158
PHY Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 157
PHY Paper Mill 157
SOC Concerns/Issues About Authorship 157
HSC Falsification/Fabrication of Results 155
B/T Error in Analyses 148
SOC Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 148
BLS Rogue Editor 139
HUM Fake Peer Review 138
PHY Original Data not Provided 137
SOC Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 137
B/T Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 133
B/T Error in Methods 132
ENV Concerns/Issues About Authorship 132
SOC Falsification/Fabrication of Data 131
BLS Falsification/Fabrication of Results 129
HSC Error in Materials (General) 129
SOC Error in Methods 128
B/T Copyright Claims 127
SOC Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 127
PHY Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 126
SOC Misconduct by Author 122
ENV Investigation by Third Party 121
HUM Unreliable Results 121
ENV Error in Results and/or Conclusions 120
BLS Doing the Right Thing 117
HUM Copyright Claims 116
HUM Breach of Policy by Author 115
HSC Randomly Generated Content 114
HSC Unreliable Image 114
BLS Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 112
B/T Duplication of Text 108
B/T Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 107
BLS Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare 106
BLS Contamination of Materials (General) 106
HSC Criminal Proceedings 106
B/T Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 105
ENV Error in Analyses 105
HUM Concerns/Issues about Referencing/Attributions 104
HUM Concerns/Issues About Data 102
SOC Euphemisms for Duplication 102
SOC Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 101
BLS Miscommunication by Author 100
HSC Miscommunication by Author 99
ENV Error in Data 97
ENV Retract and Replace 96
HSC Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 96
HSC Doing the Right Thing 96
BLS False Affiliation 95
HSC Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 95
SOC Objections by Author(s) 95
SOC Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 95
B/T Notice - Lack of 94
HUM Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 93
PHY Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 93
ENV Investigation by Company/Institution 92
SOC Objections by Third Party 92
PHY Notice - Lack of 91
BLS Error by Third Party 88
ENV Error in Text 88
B/T Ethical Violations by Author 87
ENV Concerns/Issues About Results 87
BLS Manipulation of Results 86
BLS Randomly Generated Content 86
HSC Notice - No/Limited Information 86
SOC Updated to Retraction 86
HUM Concerns/Issues About Results 85
BLS Complaints about Author 84
HSC Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 84
PHY Conflict of Interest 84
PHY Falsification/Fabrication of Image 83
SOC Duplication of Text 83
SOC Ethical Violations by Author 83
BLS Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 82
SOC Author Unresponsive 82
HSC Error by Third Party 80
HUM Notice - No/Limited Information 80
SOC Randomly Generated Content 80
HSC Contamination of Cell Lines/Tissues 79
B/T False/Forged Authorship 78
B/T Objections by Third Party 78
HUM Error in Text 78
B/T Falsification/Fabrication of Data 74
ENV Error in Methods 74
B/T Lack of Approval from Author 72
HUM Retract and Replace 72
PHY False Affiliation 71
SOC Copyright Claims 71
SOC Notice - No/Limited Information 71
ENV Euphemisms for Duplication 70
PHY Error in Materials (General) 70
B/T Conflict of Interest 68
B/T Unreliable Data 66
SOC Unreliable Data 63
BLS Publishing Ban 62
PHY Complaints about Author 62
SOC Doing the Right Thing 62
B/T Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare 61
B/T Duplication of Image 61
B/T Plagiarism of Image 60
ENV Concerns/Issues with Peer Review 59
ENV Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 59
B/T Lack of Approval from Third Party 58
HSC False Affiliation 58
HSC Publishing Ban 58
HUM Error in Results and/or Conclusions 56
ENV Copyright Claims 54
ENV Duplication of Text 54
PHY Doing the Right Thing 54
SOC Lack of Approval from Third Party 54
SOC Notice - Lack of 54
HUM Rogue Editor 53
ENV Misconduct by Author 52
HSC Complaints about Author 52
HUM Error by Journal/Publisher 52
SOC Conflict of Interest 52
HSC Error in Cell Lines/Tissues 51
B/T Plagiarism of Data 49
HUM Investigation by Third Party 49
ENV Unreliable Data 48
HSC Manipulation of Results 48
PHY Unreliable Image 48
BLS Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 47
BLS Temporary Removal 47
ENV False/Forged Authorship 45
HUM Notice - Lack of 45
SOC Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare 45
ENV Paper Mill 44
SOC Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 44
ENV Objections by Third Party 43
HSC Ethical Violations by Third Party 43
BLS Objections by Company/Institution 42
HUM Euphemisms for Duplication 41
PHY Contamination of Materials (General) 41
B/T False Affiliation 40
ENV Conflict of Interest 40
ENV Duplication of Image 40
HSC No Further Action 40
BLS Ethical Violations by Third Party 39
ENV Lack of Approval from Author 39
B/T Concerns/Issues About Image 38
ENV Ethical Violations by Author 38
BLS Euphemisms for Misconduct 37
SOC Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 37
B/T Doing the Right Thing 36
HUM Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher 36
BLS Contamination of Reagents 35
ENV Author Unresponsive 35
ENV Objections by Author(s) 35
HUM Investigation by Company/Institution 35
PHY Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 35
B/T Error in Image 34
HSC Misconduct by Third Party 34
SOC Lack of Approval from Author 34
BLS Misconduct by Third Party 33
PHY Falsification/Fabrication of Results 33
BLS Criminal Proceedings 32
ENV Error by Journal/Publisher 32
B/T Results Not Reproducible 31
HSC Contamination of Materials (General) 31
ENV Falsification/Fabrication of Data 30
HUM Duplication of Text 30
ENV Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 29
HSC Objections by Company/Institution 29
SOC Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 29
ENV Duplication of Data 28
ENV Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 28
HSC Not Presented at Conference 28
SOC Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 28
PHY Miscommunication by Author 27
SOC Withdrawn (out of date) 27
B/T Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 26
BLS No Further Action 26
ENV Lack of Approval from Third Party 26
HUM Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 26
SOC False Affiliation 26
SOC Temporary Removal 26
B/T Duplication of Data 25
ENV Results Not Reproducible 25
HUM Paper Mill 25
PHY Transfer of Copyright/Ownership 25
B/T Misconduct by Third Party 24
B/T Original Data not Provided 24
BLS Updated to Correction 24
ENV Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 24
HSC Miscommunication by Journal/Publisher 24
SOC Concerns/Issues About Image 24
BLS Salami Slicing 23
ENV Error in Image 23
HSC Salami Slicing 23
PHY Misconduct by Third Party 23
SOC Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 23
HSC Updated to Correction 22
SOC False/Forged Authorship 22
PHY Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 21
SOC Criminal Proceedings 21
B/T Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 20
ENV Concerns/Issues About Image 20
ENV Taken from Dissertation/Thesis 20
BLS Miscommunication by Journal/Publisher 19
ENV Complaints about Author 19
HUM Author Unresponsive 19
ENV Notice - Lack of 18
HUM Concerns/Issues About Authorship 18
PHY Cites Retracted Work 18
SOC Original Data not Provided 18
BLS Transfer of Copyright/Ownership 17
ENV Error in Materials (General) 17
SOC Results Not Reproducible 17
ENV Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 16
HUM Misconduct - Official Investigation/Finding 16
HUM Misconduct by Author 16
SOC Plagiarism of Data 16
B/T Transfer of Copyright/Ownership 15
HSC Miscommunication by Company/Institution 15
HUM Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal 15
PHY Investigation by ORI 15
PHY Taken via Peer Review 15
B/T Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 14
BLS Miscommunication by Third Party 14
ENV Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 14
ENV Original Data not Provided 14
HSC Euphemisms for Misconduct 14
HUM Falsification/Fabrication of Data 14
PHY Error by Third Party 14
B/T Temporary Removal 13
BLS Nonpayment of Fees/Refusal to Pay 13
ENV Manipulation of Images 13
ENV Plagiarism of Data 13
HSC Miscommunication by Third Party 13
HUM Ethical Violations by Author 13
HUM Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice 13
SOC Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 13
ENV Doing the Right Thing 12
ENV Plagiarism of Image 12
SOC Error in Image 12
SOC Investigation by ORI 12
B/T Complaints about Author 11
B/T Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 11
BLS Misconduct by Company/Institution 11
HUM Error in Data 11
HUM Lack of Approval from Author 11
HUM Updated to Retraction 11
PHY Salami Slicing 11
SOC Hoax Paper 11
BLS Hoax Paper 10
BLS Miscommunication by Company/Institution 10
HSC Complaints about Third Party 10
HSC Taken via Peer Review 10
HUM Concerns/Issues about Third Party Involvement 10
HUM Error in Analyses 10
HUM Objections by Author(s) 10
HUM Objections by Third Party 10
PHY Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 10
PHY Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 10
PHY Publishing Ban 10
SOC Duplication of Data 10
SOC Plagiarism of Image 10
B/T Cites Retracted Work 9
B/T Salami Slicing 9
BLS Withdrawn (out of date) 9
ENV Miscommunication by Author 9
HUM Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 9
SOC Cites Retracted Work 9
B/T Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 8
B/T Manipulation of Images 8
BLS Complaints about Third Party 8
HUM Conflict of Interest 8
HUM Randomly Generated Content 8
PHY Ethical Violations by Third Party 8
PHY Temporary Removal 8
PHY Updated to Correction 8
SOC Complaints about Author 8
SOC Duplication of Image 8
SOC Error in Materials (General) 8
B/T Euphemisms for Misconduct 7
B/T Taken via Peer Review 7
ENV Legal Reasons/Legal Threats 7
HSC Hoax Paper 7
SOC Miscommunication by Author 7
B/T Civil Proceedings 6
B/T Error in Materials (General) 6
B/T Not Presented at Conference 6
BLS Breach of Policy by Third Party 6
BLS Concerns/Issues about Animal Welfare 6
ENV Cites Retracted Work 6
ENV Contamination of Materials (General) 6
ENV Misconduct by Third Party 6
HSC Misconduct by Company/Institution 6
HUM False/Forged Authorship 6
PHY Contamination of Reagents 6
SOC Taken via Peer Review 6
B/T Publishing Ban 5
BLS Sabotage of Materials 5
ENV Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 5
ENV False Affiliation 5
ENV Falsification/Fabrication of Results 5
ENV Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 5
ENV Temporary Removal 5
ENV Unreliable Image 5
HSC Complaints about Company/Institution 5
HSC Contamination of Reagents 5
HSC Nonpayment of Fees/Refusal to Pay 5
HUM Error in Methods 5
HUM Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 5
HUM Unreliable Data 5
PHY Civil Proceedings 5
PHY Contamination of Cell Lines/Tissues 5
PHY Miscommunication by Journal/Publisher 5
SOC Falsification/Fabrication of Results 5
B/T Manipulation of Results 4
B/T Miscommunication by Author 4
B/T Updated to Correction 4
BLS Complaints about Company/Institution 4
ENV Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 4
ENV Miscommunication by Third Party 4
PHY Miscommunication by Company/Institution 4
PHY Objections by Company/Institution 4
SOC Euphemisms for Misconduct 4
SOC Manipulation of Results 4
SOC Not Presented at Conference 4
SOC Salami Slicing 4
SOC Unreliable Image 4
B/T Ethical Violations by Third Party 3
B/T Falsification/Fabrication of Results 3
BLS Not Presented at Conference 3
BLS Taken via Peer Review 3
ENV Euphemisms for Misconduct 3
ENV Falsification/Fabrication of Image 3
ENV Salami Slicing 3
HUM Lack of Approval from Third Party 3
HUM Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval 3
PHY Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare 3
PHY Euphemisms for Misconduct 3
PHY Manipulation of Results 3
PHY No Further Action 3
SOC Manipulation of Images 3
SOC Misconduct by Third Party 3
SOC Publishing Ban 3
B/T Falsification/Fabrication of Image 2
BLS EOC Lifted 2
ENV Ethical Violations by Third Party 2
ENV Investigation by ORI 2
ENV Miscommunication by Journal/Publisher 2
ENV Publishing Ban 2
ENV Taken via Peer Review 2
HUM Bias Issues or Lack of Balance 2
HUM Complaints about Author 2
HUM Doing the Right Thing 2
HUM Lack of Approval from Company/Institution 2
HUM Notice - Unable to Access via current resources 2
HUM Original Data not Provided 2
HUM Plagiarism of Image 2
HUM Results Not Reproducible 2
PHY Criminal Proceedings 2
PHY Informed/Patient Consent - None/Withdrawn 2
PHY Miscommunication by Third Party 2
PHY Misconduct by Company/Institution 2
PHY Not Presented at Conference 2
PHY Withdrawn (out of date) 2
SOC Complaints about Third Party 2
SOC Error by Third Party 2
SOC Updated to Correction 2
B/T Contamination of Cell Lines/Tissues 1
B/T Contamination of Materials (General) 1
B/T Hoax Paper 1
B/T Miscommunication by Third Party 1
B/T Misconduct by Company/Institution 1
B/T Nonpayment of Fees/Refusal to Pay 1
B/T Objections by Company/Institution 1
B/T Unreliable Image 1
ENV Complaints about Third Party 1
ENV Contamination of Cell Lines/Tissues 1
ENV Criminal Proceedings 1
ENV Error by Third Party 1
ENV Miscommunication by Company/Institution 1
ENV Nonpayment of Fees/Refusal to Pay 1
ENV Objections by Company/Institution 1
ENV Updated to Correction 1
HSC Breach of Policy by Third Party 1
HSC EOC Lifted 1
HUM Concerns/Issues About Image 1
HUM Criminal Proceedings 1
HUM Duplication of Data 1
HUM Error in Image 1
HUM Euphemisms for Misconduct 1
HUM False Affiliation 1
HUM Falsification/Fabrication of Results 1
HUM Hoax Paper 1
HUM Miscommunication by Author 1
HUM Temporary Removal 1
HUM Transfer of Copyright/Ownership 1
HUM Unreliable Image 1
HUM Updated to Correction 1
PHY Complaints about Third Party 1
PHY Error in Cell Lines/Tissues 1
PHY Hoax Paper 1
SOC Falsification/Fabrication of Image 1
SOC Miscommunication by Third Party 1
SOC No Further Action 1