
August 21-25

Monday, August 21

Introduction to the course: Why trust science?

Wednesday, August 23

Don’t Fool Yourself

Friday, August 25

How to read a scientific paper

August 28-31

Monday, August 28

How science works (or should)

Wednesday, August 30

Scientific norms and counter-norms

Friday, September 1

Work session: Norms and counter-norms

September 4-8

Monday, September 4

Labor Day: NO CLASS

Wednesday, September 6

Adherence to norms and counter-norms

Friday, September 8

A replication crisis (or not)

September 11-15

Monday, September 11

Replication attempt: The “Lady Macbeth Effect”

Wednesday, September 13

Replication attempt: Priming effect

Friday, September 15

Work session: Replication with R, R Markdown, & Quarto

September 18-22

Monday, September 18

Replication in cancer biology

Wednesday, September 20

What R we talking about?

Friday, September 22

  • Catch-up

Work session: Scientific integrity

September 25-29

Monday, September 25


Wednesday, September 27

Fraud & misconduct

Friday, September 29


On Zoom: Check-in for attendance. Join from anywhere convenient to you.

October 2-6

Monday, October 2

Retraction and scientific integrity

Wednesday, October 4

Questionable research practices

Friday, October 6

More on questionable research practices

October 9-13

Monday, October 9

Prevalence of QRPs

Wednesday, October 11

File drawer effect

Friday, October 13


October 16-20

Monday, October 16


Wednesday, October 18


Friday, October 20

Work session: Exercise 05, Replication, Final Projects

October 23-27

Monday, October 23


Wednesday, October 25


Changing journal policies

Friday, October 27

Final project work day

October 30 - November 3

Monday, October 30

Large-scale replication studies

Wednesday, November 1

Meta-analysis & many analysts

Friday, November 3

Final project work day

November 6-10

Monday, November 6


Wednesday, November 8

Data sharing

Friday, November 10

Work session: Data sharing

November 13-17

Monday, November 13

Materials, code, & protocol sharing

Wednesday, November 15

Open science tools

Friday, November 17

Final project work day

November 20-24 Thanksgiving Break

November 27 - December 1

Monday, November 27

In-class final project work day

Meeting on Zoom:

Wednesday, November 29


You may schedule individual or group meetings to discuss your final project using this link:

Friday, December 1

Project presentations

December 4-8

Monday, December 4

Final project workday

Wednesday, December 6

Project presentations

Friday, December 8

Project presentations

December 11-15

Wednesday, December 13


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