PSY 511 course performance will be evaluated based on the following scheme:

Component Points % of Grade
Quizzes 10 pts * 3 quizzes = 30 33.3
Participation 15 wks * 2 pts/wk = 30 33.3
Paper 30 pts 33.3
TOTAL 90 100

For clinical area graduate students

Quiz 1 covers material related to biology-related discipline specific knowledge (DSK).

Quiz 2 covers material related to cognitive-related discipline specific knowledge (DSK).

Quiz 3 covers material related to affect-related discipline specific knowledge (DSK).

Classroom participation and the final paper assess advanced integrative knowledge (AIK).

For students to receive a passing grade (B or better for the course, they must receive a passing grade (B or better or Satisfactory) for each assignment or activity designed to assess DSK and IAK. Students have one opportunity to re-do an assignment if they do not initially receive a passing grade.

Grading Scheme

Points Percent Grade
100+ 100+ A+
94-100 94-99 A
90-93 90-93 A-
87-89 87-89 B+
84-86 84-86 B
80-83 80-83 B-
77-79 77-79 C+
70-76 70-76 C
60-69 60-69 D
<59 <59 F


Please write a critical review in the style of a Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) commentary. The target of your review could be a published article in BBS or an article published in another journal. Examine some existing BBS papers in your areas of interest to see how authors choose to structure their commentaries. Typically, a BBS commentary is restricted to 1,000 words, but you have latitude to write up to 2,500 words.


Copyright © Rick O. Gilmore