
Component Description Points
Exams There will be three (3) in-class examinations, plus a final held during the exam period that is partially cumulative. Each exam is worth 40 points. The top 3 of 4 exam scores will count toward your final grade. You may choose not to take the final. 120
Quizzes There will be four (4) in-class quizzes. Each quiz is worth 10 points. The top 3 of 4 quiz scores will count toward your final grade. 30
Participation There are a total of 15 points available by completing EITHER a paper or a set of 3 blog posts assignment. 15
Blog: You are encouraged to create and maintain a neuroscience-related blog on PSU’s blog server, http://sites.psu.edu. You may create up to 3 posts and earn 5 points/post, for a total of 15 possible points. Assignment
Paper: You may write a 3-5 pp (double-spaced) news-style paper on a topic related to biological psychology. The paper is worth 15 points. Assignment
Extra Credit There may be extra credit opportunities provided at random and unannounced times during the semester. Come to class in order to benefit from them.

Grading Scheme

Points Percent Grade
165+ 100+ A+
155-164 94-99 A
148-154 90-93 A-
143-147 87-89 B+
139-142 84-86 B
132-138 80-83 B-
127-131 77-79 C+
115-126 70-76 C
99-114 60-69 D
0-98 <59 F

Copyright © Rick O. Gilmore. All rights reserved.