PSYCH 490.001

Spring 2025 • TTh 9:05a-10:20a


February 20, 2025


November 22, 2024

ChatGPT/Dall-E-3 model response to ‘an image of “a picture paints a thousand words”’ on 2024-09-19

ChatGPT/Dall-E-3 model response to ‘an image of “a picture paints a thousand words”’ on 2024-09-19


If a picture’s worth a thousand words (Wikipedia contributors, 2024), what exactly does it say? This course will focus on the psychology of data visualization—how to read, critique, and generate meaningful figures that inform but don’t mislead. We’ll take inspiration from recognized classic figures and unpack what makes them exemplary. We’ll critique figures that deliberately or inadvertently mislead or confuse. We’ll learn what 150 years of vision science, the foundation of experimental psychology, has to say about data visualization. And we’ll learn how to build our own reproducible figures using Python, R, and JavaScript. No prior programming experience is required.


Rick O. Gilmore, Ph.D. 
Professor of Psychology
rog1 AT-SIGN psu PERIOD edu

Schedule an appointment:

Lab web site:

Teaching Assistant

Sara He
Graduate Student in Social Psychology
cfh5558 AT-SIGN psu PERIOD edu
Meetings by appointment over Zoom

Meeting time & location

Tuesday & Thursday, 9:05-10:20 am
009 Sparks Building

Canvas site

We will use Canvas to submit assignments and grade them. The Canvas site may be found here:

Most of the course content will be found on this site.

Course structure

This is a discussion-focused course. On most days we will discuss readings assigned prior to class. On many days, we will work together or individually on the assigned exercises, the final project, or another assignment.


Wikipedia contributors. (2024, August). A picture is worth a thousand words.; Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.