Exercise 02

Data visualizaton outside Psychological Science


January 21, 2025


January 21, 2025


In-class work on Tuesday, January 21-23.

Due on Thursday, January 30.


In this exercise, you will work alone or a with a team of no more than two other classmates to find and describe data visualizations from business (for profit or not-for-profit), government, the arts, sports, or journalism. You will add links to the visualizations to a common database that we will use for discussion about the types of visualizations and types of data that are commonly used fields outside of psychological science.


  1. Choose at least three categories (business, government, the arts, sports, or journalism) to focus on.

  2. For each category, find at least one or two visualizations of data.

Try to pick visualizations that are interesting to you in some way.

  1. Add information about the visualizations to a Google Sheet that all of us will share:


Specifically, enter your team identifier in the identifier field, the source in source_type, and the URL in the url field. Please say briefly why you chose this particular visualization. If you have any comments to add, put those in the comments field.

  1. If you want to submit a write-up for evaluation, please select three (3) visualizations and evaluate them based on the following questions:
  • What data are presented?
  • What graphic elements of the visualization map to which aspects of the data?
  • What prior knowledge does someone viewing these data need to have in order to understand the visualizations clearly?
  • Why is the source presenting these data?
  • What story or message is the source trying to communicate and to what audience?
  • How effective is the message?


  • Everyone
  • Students who want this submission to count for one of their four (4) required exercises
    • A 2-3 page write-up in APA format where you describe three (3) figures your group found, answering the questions in 4. above.