This section describes some ways to generate plots using the R package ggplot2.
Why R
R is a programming language specialized for data analysis and visualization.
‘ggplot2’ is a package1 for making 2D plots in R. It implements a special “language” for making plots based on the grammar of graphics suggested by Cleveland CITE. That’s where the ‘gg’ in the name comes from.
In ggplot, we create a base plot, then add layers to it using a plus sign + operator.
To check whether {ggplot2} is already installed, run the following chunk:
# The require() function returns TRUE if ggplot2 is installed and FALSE if it is not. The exclamation point symbol ('!') turns FALSE into TRUE and TRUE into FALSE. So, `!require(ggplot2)` will be TRUE if require(ggplot2) is FALSE. When this occurs, the `install.packages(ggplot)` commands runs and installs ggplot2.if (!require(ggplot2)) {install.packages(ggplot2)}
If the variable we want to plot contains the values we care about plotting, then we use geom_col. A column plot is just a type of barplot.
data_random_discrete |>ggplot() +aes(x = category, y = value) +geom_col()
Figure 1
Here, we have a categorical variable imaginatively named category and a continuous variable named value.
Your turn
What would we need to do to make the category variable ordinal?
Why do we think that value is continuous?
First, let’s generate some random data.
# Set a seed for our 'random' number generatorset.seed(19680801)n_values <-100000data_random_norm <-data.frame(val =rnorm(n = n_values, mean =0, sd =1))
What the code is saying is this: Send data_random_norm to ggplot; make the plot and its various layers; then give the plot a name (hist_1) so we can use it later. Like now, for instance:
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Figure 2: A simple histogram
To replicate the side-by-side histograms in ?@fig-dual-histograms-matplotlib, we do the following:
A collection of special commands for doing specific things.↩︎
Source Code
---title: "Plotting with ggplot2"format: html---## About {-}This section describes some ways to generate plots using the R package `ggplot2`.## Why R {-}R is a programming language specialized for data analysis and visualization.## Background {-}'ggplot2' is a package^[A collection of special commands for doing specific things.] for making 2D plots in R.It implements a special "language" for making plots based on the grammar of graphics suggested by Cleveland CITE.That's where the 'gg' in the name comes from.In ggplot, we create a base plot, then add layers to it using a plus sign `+` operator. ## Set-up {-}To check whether {ggplot2} is already installed, run the following chunk:```{r}# The require() function returns TRUE if ggplot2 is installed and FALSE if it is not. The exclamation point symbol ('!') turns FALSE into TRUE and TRUE into FALSE. So, `!require(ggplot2)` will be TRUE if require(ggplot2) is FALSE. When this occurs, the `install.packages(ggplot)` commands runs and installs ggplot2.if (!require(ggplot2)) {install.packages(ggplot2)}```## Plotting one variable {-}### Discrete/nominal {-}First, we make some data.```{r}data_random_discrete <-data.frame(category =c('ab', 'xy', 'mn', 'qp', 'ea', 'f2','gg', 'h*'),value =c(4.8, 5.5, 3.5, 4.6, 6.5, 6.6, 2.6, 3.0))```#### Barplot {-}If the variable we want to plot contains the *values* we care about plotting, then we use `geom_col`.A column plot is just a type of barplot.```{r}#| label: fig-barplot-ggplot2data_random_discrete |>ggplot() +aes(x = category, y = value) +geom_col()```Here, we have a *categorical* variable imaginatively named `category` and a *continuous* variable named `value`.::: {.callout-note}## Your turn1. What would we need to do to make the `category` variable *ordinal*? 2. Why do we think that `value` is *continuous*?:::### Continuous {-}First, let's generate some random data.```{r}# Set a seed for our 'random' number generatorset.seed(19680801)n_values <-100000data_random_norm <-data.frame(val =rnorm(n = n_values, mean =0, sd =1))```#### Histogram {-}```{r}hist_1 <- data_random_norm |>ggplot() +aes(x = val) +geom_histogram()```What the code is saying is this: Send `data_random_norm` to `ggplot`; make the plot and its various layers; then give the plot a name (`hist_1`) so we can use it later. Like now, for instance:```{r}#| label: fig-histogram-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "A simple histogram"hist_1```To replicate the side-by-side histograms in @fig-dual-histograms-matplotlib, we do the following:Make two random data sets that differ slightly.```{r}x1 <-rnorm(n = n_values, mean =0, sd =1)data_random_norm_2 <-data.frame(side =c(rep('l', n_values), rep('r', n_values)),val =c(x1,0.4* x1 +5))```Then plot the data.```{r}#| label: fig-dual-histograms-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side histograms of two random (normal) sets of data."hist_2 <- data_random_norm_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = val) +geom_histogram() +facet_wrap(vars(side), ncol =2)hist_2```#### Violin {-}```{r}#| label: fig-dual-violin-plots-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side violin plots of two random (normal) sets of data."violin_2 <- data_random_norm_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = side, y = val) +geom_violin()violin_2```#### Boxplot {-}```{r}#| label: fig-dual-boxplots-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side violin plots of two random (normal) sets of data."boxplot_2 <- data_random_norm_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = side, y = val) +geom_boxplot()boxplot_2```## Comparing distributions {-}Let's see how these plots can help us see when the distributions *differ* by more than just magnitude or standard deviation.```{r}# Normal "bell"-shaped like beforex_norm <-rnorm(n = n_values, mean =0, sd =1)# Uniform-shapedx_unif <-runif(n = n_values, min =-2.75, max =2.75)data_random_2 <-data.frame(side =c(rep('norm', n_values), rep('unif', n_values)),val =c(x_norm, x_unif))``````{r}#| label: fig-dual-histograms-diff-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side histograms of two random sets of data with **different** distributions."hist_2_diff <- data_random_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = val) +geom_histogram() +facet_wrap(vars(side), ncol =2)hist_2_diff``````{r}#| label: fig-dual-violin-plots-diff-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side violin plots of two random sets of data with **different** distributions."violin_2_diff <- data_random_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = side, y = val) +geom_violin()violin_2_diff``````{r}#| label: fig-dual-boxplots-diff-ggplot2#| fig-cap: "Side-by-side box plots of two random sets of data with **different** distributions."boxplot_2_diff <- data_random_2 |>ggplot() +aes(x = side, y = val) +geom_boxplot()boxplot_2_diff```## Plotting two variables {-}::: {.callout-warning}This page is under construction. Many components are missing.:::### Scatterplot {-}A scatterplot is a great way to compare two continuous variables.```{r}scatter_data <- tibble::tibble(norm = x_norm,unif = x_unif)scatter_data |>ggplot() +aes(x = x_norm, y = x_unif) +geom_point() ```